I need to display the value of "Service Data" ( Entry number 0x16 in the table given here:https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/generic-access...)
I also need to be able to change it's value after a certain number of seconds after the BLE chip powers on
我附上了我的祝福advertisem的照片ent data shows now, as well as what I want it to show
The screenshots are from Nordic's nRF BLE scanner app
How can I replace the Manufacturer Data in ble_app_peripheral, with Service data, as shown in my screenshots? I also need to be able to change the 2 byte UUID of Service Data, around 30 seconds after the BLE chip turns on
How do I remove "Complete list of 16-bit Service UUIDs" from the display?
Hi mahaju,
The advertising string is defined in the user_config.h in the USER_ADVERTISE_DATA definition. The defined data will be populated from the SDK and you can see them in you BLE smartphone application like the first screenshot you had sent. Please, check how the advertising data are defined in the SDK and remove ADV_TYPE_COMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS) that contains the Complete list of 16-bit Service IDs (defined in app_adv_data.h). The manufacturer data can be sent dynamically or statically, depending on user application. The example of the SDK place the manufacturer data dynamically in the advertising string by using mnf_data_update() and app_add_ad_struct(). The first function updates manufacturer data and the second place them in the advertising string. The advertising data are defined in USER_ADVERTISE_DATA definition. The advertising string will be populated by the function app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_get_active(), then the manufacturer data will be updated and will be placed in the updated advertising string. Please check the user_app_adv_start() function in user_peripheral.c. Finally the app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start() will send the message of the updated manufacturer data to the stack and the device will start advertise.
Thanks PM_dialog