When I try to "connect" to my custom board using SmartSnippets Toolbox v4.8.3.1804 on Windows 10 with my FTDI cable over UART, I get the following log:
[INFO QSPI Flash @17-12-04 22:00:25] Firmware File D:\DiaSemi\SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources\uartboot.bin has been selected for downloading.
[INFO QSPI Flash @17-12-04 22:00:25] COM3 will be used for serial communication.
[ACTION QSPI Flash @17-12-04 22:00:25] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process.
[INFO QSPI Flash @17-12-04 22:01:00] RESET detected
(信息QSPI Flash @17-12-04 22:01:00] downl开始oading firmware to the board.
[ERROR QSPI Flash @17-12-04 22:16:48] Failed downloading firmware file: ERR_PROT_NO_RESPONSE.
犯错的or occurs about 15 minutes after "Started downloading firmware to the board". I am using a custom PCB.
Thank you
Hi patfry,
Well most probably its a UART issue, apparently Smart Snippets is able to track the header and the 0x02 that would indicate the ROM booter but apparently something is wrong with the UART and there is no appropriate response from the device due bad connections most probably, you can try to probe the activity via a logic analyzer and check if the procedure is properly performed.
Thanks MT_dialog
Using a monitoring software I can see that:
This seems to be the right UART boot protocol, so I am unsure of what to do next.
Thank you
Hi patfry,
When you hit the connect on the Smart Snippets you should see that the tool is downloading code into the 68x besides the bootloader of the 68x, so do you see the tool downloading code ? i suspect that if you are getting this error the analyzer shouldn't be able to track the data exchanged on the bus, it will show only pulses without being able to interpret them in actual data thus something isn't proper with your connections.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi MT_dialog,
When I open the uartboot.bin with a hex editor, I can see that every hex code in there is sent over UART. I also tried booting from different pins in the MCU (P1_0 & P1_5 and P1_2 & P1_4) and I get the same results.
I also get
read from QSPI failed: invalid announcement message received (-106)
when trying to interact with the QSPI with cli_programmer. Here is an example, but I get the same results with chip_erase_qspi and read_partition_table.$ ./cli_programmer /dev/ttyUSB0 read_qspi 100 test 1000
cli_programmer 1.24
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Dialog Semiconductor
Using serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 at baud rate 57600.
bootloader file not specified, using internal uartboot.bin
Connecting to device...
Setting serial port baud rate to 57600.
Press RESET.
Uploading boot loader/application executable...
Executable uploaded.
Setting serial port baud rate to 57600.
read from QSPI failed: invalid announcement message received (-106)
Lastly, it seems that I can download programs to the RAM using the booter tool in SmartSnippets Toolbox and use cli_programmer (they both say that it was successful/complete), but I haven't been able to get a response back in any way, which may just be my fault because I am new at this.
Thank you
Hi patrfy,
Since you are able to download code to the RAM on your custom PCB succesfully, can you please let me know the qspi flash that you are using on your custom PCB ? Is it one of the supported flashes of the uartboot.bin ?
Thanks MT_dialog
It is a W25Q80EWSNIG.
I mixed up two traces connecting the QSPI to the MCU.
Thank you,
Sorry for your time.
Hi patfry,
No problem, thank you for indicating, also if you dont mind please mark your answer as accepted.
Best Regards MT_dialog
Okay, so I connected the data in pins together and the data out pins together. I resoldered D0 to connect to DI and DI to D0, and everything works now.
Thank you