I have the following system configuration:
1) SDK workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.10.1072,
2) SmartSnippets studio v1.6.3.918
3) Windows 10 64-bit host
I am new to SmartSnippets, and have installed everything per UM-B-47. I downloaded everything from the dialog-semiconductor website this week. I import a project, and when I try to build it I get the following error:
Program "make" not found in PATH freertos_retarget C/C++ Problem
I have tried multiple other projects, and get the same problem. I have reinstalled the SDK and also SmartSnippets, but can't seem to resolve this problem. I have tried hard coding the tools paths, but couldn't get it to clear.
Can you please give me a suggestion on how to move forward?
Thanks in advance
Rick Nardone
Hi RNardone,
The SDK projects and the Smart Snippets Eclipse based Tool have predefined all the necessary configurations and paths in order for you to be able to buld a project. From what you are reporting i would assume that the eclipse isn't able to find the make.exe file in the PATH enviroment variable, please check the PATH variable and make sure that in one of the directories specified from that variable, the make.exe exists. For example, on my setup, the first directory that the PATH variable specifies is the C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU ARM Eclipse\Build Tools\2.6-201507152002\bin; which contains the make.exe. Apart from that you can try to shorten the path manually and check if that solves your issue. Also you will be able to find solutions for this is issue on the web as well, since this is eclipse related.
Thanks MT_dialog
You must have a different configuration. The only make.exe I can find is installed with Smart Snippets in the following directory:
I would expect the PATH variable to be configured properly during installation of Smart Snippets or maybe the SDK?
Hi RNardone,
What you are experiencing isn't the standard behaviour of Smart Snippets, the installation of Smart Snippets will take the current PATH from your PC and will attach the proper directory for the make.exe file, even with the make.exe located in the directory that you mention the Smart Snippets should be able to find the make.exe and build the project (at least this is what happens on my setup if i remove the make.exe from the directory i ve mentioned). Regarding the configuration, i dont use anything special or out of the ordinary configuration, apparently the path variables on different machines are different and for some reason on your installation, eclipse isn't able to find the make.exe file (even if its there in the dir that you have mentioned). So perhaps there is an issue with the length of the PATH variable, can you please remove some of the directories and give a try to check if that works ? Additionally trying and check if all runs as they should on a different PC would also be an idea.
Thanks MT_dialog
When I fix the path for the make.exe found above, then I get other errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type
cannot open linker script file C:\Users\Richard Nardone\workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.10.1072\projects\dk_apps\ble_profiles\hrp_sensor/DA14681-01-Debug_QSPI/mem.ld: Invalid argument hrp_sensor C/C++ Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [hrp_sensor.elf] Error 1 hrp_sensor C/C++ Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `mem.ld', needed by `generate_ldscripts'. Stop. hrp_sensor C/C++ Problem
Any thoughts?
Hi RNardone,
Well, its seems that the setup doesn't generate the linker scripts in order for the make to complete the build, before the actual build occurs, eclipse will have to generate the linker scripts from the mem.ld.h file and consturct a mem.ld file in the build folder. Apparently that file is never builded in your case. Besides that indication that you get, that eclipse is not able to find the mem.ld file, there should be an additional indication that eclipse failed to generate this file at the begging of the console when the build has started in the pre-build phase. This can be due to a number of reasons, like the makefile.targets file isn't in the project directory, or a missing configuration etc.
It seems that either the installation of the Smart Snippets has issues, as mentioned above or you haven't properly imported the projects, the SDK along with the Smart Snippets tool should operate out of the box without any additional configuration, all the projects should compile out of the box. Since you have allready tried to re-install the SS tool on the same PC i would recommend to try installing the tool on another PC, since if there is a configuration issue on the setup, this kind of errors in eclipse could persist.
Thanks MT_dialog
I got some help from my local FAE and have resolved the problem.
为了解决这个问题,我SDK搬到C: \拨号og_SDKS\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.10.1072.
Smart Snippets is working fine now.
Thanks for the assist.
Could be a couple of things. Just as a background, Smart Snippets is just a shell on eclipse running GCC tools. The GCC configuration is the standard ARM toolset for Windows.
The error that you are seeing, is typically associated with an issue with the workspace in Eclipse. Let’s try the following:
1. Let’s move the SDK out the C:/Users location – I’ve seen this cause issues with administrative rights and also, since these tools are historically Linux based, they don’t like spaces in the root. I have my SDK located here at the following: C:\Dialog_SDKS\SDK1.0.10\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.10.1072
2. Delete any .metadata that was created within the project directory to start a new workspace.
3. Open up Smart Snippets Studio again and you can select a generic workspace (we will change this once we get in the IDE). It normally defaults to your prior workspace in the users folder.
4. This may prompt you to install the tools, just X out of this and select IDE from the home page.
5. Now, inside of eclipse -> go to File->Switch Workspace-> Other. Browse to your C drive location, and make sure that you are picking the workspace to be the level that is one above your pojects, binaries, doc directory
6. You should have a blank Project Explorer on the left hand side. Go to Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace. And import pxp_reporter and scripts.
7. With pxp_reporter selected, just click the hammer and it should build through here.
Thank You Mr. RNardone. I was facing the same problem but thanks to you. You pulled me out.