我用祝福的统计数据API跟踪packet error rate, and I have a question about the rx_err metric. Does rx_err return the total number of dropped packets? Also would rx_pkt + rx_err equal the total number of transmitted packets from the peer device?
Hi sam.lines,
The rx_err is the variable that counts the packets that are received with an error (CRC error, MIC error, etc), but besides that it also counts the times that the device opened its receiver and there was no central on the air, so it counts that as an error as well. So by adding the rx_pkt and rx_err wont give you the absolute value of the packets transmited from your central, since in the error it also counts the times that there should be a packet but there isn't one.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for the reply. If that is the case, what is the best way to count transmitted packets on the peer device? It is also a DA14580.
Hi sam.lines,
As far as i can tell what you can do is slightly change the BLE_METRICS functionallity and ommit the sync error (the error that is counted when the device open the radio and doesn't get a reception, just remove from the measure_errors_received() function the BLE_SYNC_ERR_BIT from the if condition), also you should remove from the condition the rssi condition (llc_env[conhdl]->rssi > llm_get_min_rssi()), this way the metrics will allow you to measure the invalid packets and the properly received ones.
Thanks MT_dialog