I having problem connecting two devices.
Dev1 (slave) is sending advertisement containing data which I want to retrieve on Dev2 (Central).
Dev1似乎罚款并在没有任何问题的情况下进行规划,并且在DEV2上达到了DEV2在CALL APP_EASY_GAP_START_CONNECTION_TO_SET上达到其广告。我想连接到设备,并且我理解我调用app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set。最终在取消扫描App_easy_gap_start_connection_to之后。
Scanning on Dev2 is done as:
void user_scan_start(void)
struct gapm_start_scan_cmd* cmd = KE_MSG_ALLOC(GAPM_START_SCAN_CMD, TASK_GAPM, TASK_APP, gapm_start_scan_cmd);
cmd->op.code = GAPM_SCAN_PASSIVE;
cmd-> op.addr_src = gapm_public_addr;
cmd->interval = 10;
cmd->window = 5;
cmd->mode = GAP_OBSERVER_MODE;
cmd->filt_policy = SCAN_ALLOW_ADV_ALL;
cmd->filter_duplic = SCAN_FILT_DUPLIC_DIS;
// Send the message
// We are now connectable
Upon callback from user_on_adv_report_ind, the params are:
param->report.adv_addr_type: 0x01 and correct mac address of the device I'm expecting.
However, I don't seem to get any connection and after some debugging I get to gapm_cmp_evt_handler with parameters: operation=0x12 and status=0x40. Status clearly indicated that invalid parameters is passed. I presume at app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set. However not why.
I can't wrap my head around it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
更改MTU(至23)和min,最大连接间隔为100 ms让我缩放到Gap_err_Protocol_Problem。为什么这是非常有帮助的指南。
Hi insi,
Thanks MT_dialog
The role is: GAP_CENTRAL_MST.
I trying to a device using app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set:
if (memcmp(param->report.adv_addr.addr, mac_addr, 6) == 0)
(uint8_t *)¶m->report.adv_addr.addr,
static void user_gapm_cancel(void)
/* Disable Advertising */
struct gapm_cancel_cmd * cmd = app_gapm_cancel_msg_create();
void user_on_scanning_completed(void)
printf_string("Scanning completed\r\n");
I thought this the way as referenced in DSPS design reference. What am I missing?
嗨insi,in order to connect the central must be able to see the advertisement, then send a connection request. So when connecting, this starts a temporary scan. If you look into your app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set( .. ), the gap_start_connection_cmd requires your scan_interval, window, etc. So right after this call, you send user_gapm_cancel(), which will stop this operation, hence the cancellation callback.
Let me know if removing this resolves this issue.
Thanks JK_dialog
Hi JK_Dialog,
Thanks for your answer but still no go I'm afraid. I changed the mode toGAP_GEN_DISCOVERABLE,
I have the DSPS version 5.150.2. In that example it uses theuser_gapm_cancel()刚过app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set(..). Do I have the wrong version or it's about time settings regarding the intervals?
I removed theuser_gapm_cancel()和之后的10年代(gapm_start_scan_cmd.intverval = 10) and flow is this:
- During this 10s interval, the callbackuser_on_adv_report_ind(...)在现在只有一旦我注册'设备连接使用app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set(...).
- After 10s, the callbackuser_on_scanning_completed()被正确调用。
The flow and status I am getting is:
1.0 msgid: w0
1.1 operation: 11
1.2 status: 45
Scanning completed
2.0 msgid: w0
2.1 operation: 12
2.2 status: 41
So I'm getting Timeout before Protocol problem. When usingapp_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set(..)., I gave been changingUSER_CON_INTV参数从12.5(DSP主机示例)到10000(推测10秒):
void user_on_adv_report_ind(struct gapm_adv_report_ind const * param)
if (memcmp(param->report.adv_addr.addr, mac_addr, 6) == 0)
if(connected == false)
printf_string(“连接到设备\ r \ n”);
(uint8_t *)¶m->report.adv_addr.addr,
connected = true;
Any ideas?
I apologize - I wasn't as familiar with the DSPS host. I see now they are waiting for scanning to be finished piror to sending the connect command. BTW, a connection interval of 10 seconds is outside the BLE specification.
您能从user_config.h文件中向我发送以下配置 - user_scan_conf(如果适用)和user_central_conf?
Thanks JK
Interval > 10 s according to BLE spec. Yes, you're right but at this point I've been experimenting everything. I used MS_TO_DOUBLESLOTS(10000) which is dividing by 1.25 so I presume I' was safe.
I only have user_config.h. I have also attached other configs just in case. However, these are taken straight off from ble_app_barebone example. But please doulbe check if something is odd.
In DSPS example astruct central_configuration已被定义,但我无法在当前(稍后)的SDK中找到这一点。所以我认为它已被推翻。如果我错了,请纠正我。
Thanks again!
嗨INSI,我们可以尝试使用DSPS Comment examper并使用外围地址修改此文件吗?让我们看看是否可以以这种方式连接连接。