hai dialog
i'm using DA1461 pro i had successfully interfaced it with my phone .But the problem is i want to control multiple accessories using my DA14681 how to do that..?
please give some tutorial on it.Is there any PDF regarding this it will be really helpful
also how many accessories we can connect to a single da14681...?
please replay as soon as possible
thank you
Hi hem_forent,
I dont get the question, what do you mean accessories ? Sesnors ? Other BLE enabled devices ?
我想,你的意思是其他祝福设备,有我s no document regarding this, but there is the multilink demo that allows you to connect to multiple peripherals via one central, the maximum connection number that the 68x can support simultaneously is 8. Please have a look at the readme file in the project, it includes instructions in order to setup the demo.
Thanks MT_dialog
thanks for your replay
let me explain, i have one DA14681 pro want to control number of home appliances like light,fan using this DA14681 pro i had interfaced it with my phone but it shows only one device.
how do i make multiple device profiles and control multiple device using a DA14681 pro
Hi hem_forent,
As mentioned, in the examples in the SDK you will be able to find examples in order to make custom profiles and also create multiple connections with devices, most of the examples when connected keep on advertising, for example the ble_peripheral if you connect using one central it will keep on advertising and you can keep on connecting devices (as a peripheral).
Regarding that your phone shows one device, since you have connected with only one device, your phone will only show this device's services and in how many devices your phone can connect to, that depends on your phone not on the 68x.
Thanks MT_dialog