I use SmartSnippets to flash the DA firmware. Attached is a screenshot (Please change the .dpf extension to .png) of the UI which showed on the left is the binary of a firmware file while on the right was what read back from Flash after the DA firmware was flashed. As you can see, the first 8 bytes of the binary (70 50 00 00 00 00 78 14) read back from Flash was something else and it's not part of the FW file. Can you tell me what these 8 bytes of data is for and why do (maybe SmartSnippts inserted it) the DA MCU needs it?
I would like to store user data in flash at address after the DA Firmware. I am writing a custom UI to read/write flash which I got help from MT providing me the flash_programmer.bin communication protocol so I can write my own UI to write different user data to flash for our application code. My question is do I need to also insert this 8 extra bytes of data in front of the real user data that I intend for the application code?
Those additional bytes are attached by smart snippets and are the header of your image, the 0x70 and 0x50 is what makes the image bootable, this is what the primary bootloader will see and understand that the image should be downloaded into the 580 and as soon as its downloaded the fw will start. The zero bytes are just reserved space used for padding and the last bytes is the size of your code (MS byte and LS byte). Regarding if its needed, yes they are as mentioned this is what the bootloader is looking for in order to boot. You can have a look at the AN-B-001-Booting from serial interfaces.pdf and UM-B-012 DA14580_581_583 Creation of a secondary bootloader.pdf.
Thanks MT_dialog