Hi i have just received PAN1740 eval kit, I want to send and receive data to the device using an android application is there any sample application i can go through for Data sending part.
I wrote one application but not able to connect with the BLE device.
Hi mohan,
Check the examples in the SDK, if you would like to send data from the device to a generic phone application you can check the ble_app_peripheral example that sends as notifications the data from a counter.
Thanks MT_dialog
我asking for a sample android application code like BlueLoupe where i can establish connection and send data from mobile app to the hardware.
Hi mohan,
There is no generic purpose android or ios application developed by dialog, there are some specific purpose applications that are developed for supporting the reference designs like the DSPS, the Smart Tag application etc. The only generic application that is available is the Connection Manager which is a PC application.
Thanks MT_dialog