Hi All,
I tried to contact Panasonic already, but they respond slowly (once per week) that's why I come here to ask for help. My question is that how do you boot a PAN1740 chip using an FTDI TTL cable. I will start by describing my approach as follow:
1. Connection:
FTDI RXD ------ PAN1740 Pin6 (P0.4 UART TX)
FTDI TXD ------ PAN1740 Pin5 (P0.5 UART RX)
External Power Supply 3.0V ------ PAN1740 Pin8 (Vcc)
External Ground ------ PAN1740 Pin19 (GND) and FTDI GND
2. Keil.
I used Keil to build DSPS (DA14580 Dialog Serial Port Service Source Code) and the blinky example (from SDK5.0.4), both of them generate a out folder which contains the corresponding hex files.
3. SmartSnippets
I then opened SmartSnippets, selected the right COM port, DA14580-01, and UART. In the Booter window, I tried both hex files (DSPS and blinky), and it turned out uploading wasn't successful. Please see the log below:
[INFO Booter @16-10-20 19:54:49] Read 18652 bytes from file C:\Users\Liu Lab\Desktop\PAN1740\DA1458x_DSPS_v_5.150.2\DA1458x_DSPS\v_5.150.2\projects\target_apps\dsps\sps_device\Keil_5\out_580\sps_device_580.hex.
[info booter @ 16-10-20 19:54:49]与COM5端口的连接已成功打开。
[INFO Booter @16-10-20 19:54:49] Started download procedure...
[ACTION Booter @16-10-20 19:54:50] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process.
[ERROR Booter @16-10-20 19:55:05] Timeout: Reset signal not detected for more than 16000 msecs.
[INFO Booter @16-10-20 19:55:05] Successfully disconnected from port COM5.
[ERROR Booter @16-10-20 19:55:05] Failed downloading firmware file to the board.
我确实尝试手动将Pan1740复位引脚连接到VCC,然后将其连接回地,但我仍然得到相同的结果。我发现在论坛上的其他人发布的类似问题,但它们有一个主板和J-Link适配器(我只有FTDI TLL串行连接器)。其中一个帖子(https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/reset-button-doesnt-work-when-u...) hints me that maybe I should modify my Keil project, I wonder why should I? Are this files only for the evaluation kit? Could you possibly know what's going on?
I really hope the learning curve is easier. I know that you won't have debugging capability when using plain serial connection tool, but all I need is the DSPS profile. Since the source code is provided on your website, I assumed I don't need to modify the project at all.
Finally, thanks in advance for your time. I have no BLE firmware experience and I'd really appreciate it if I can call you guys to get this chip to work as soon as possible.
Hi chanmi168,
没有理由通过UART更改用于下载代码的FW,您粘贴的帖子是为了在OTP中刻录设备,而不是下载UART。由于Smart Spippets无法检测到正确重置您正在处理的问题,因此由于工具报告的工具报告,因此您正在尝试降低的FW,因此它不会跟踪电路板上的重置。检查在“电路板设置”选项卡中,选择的UART引脚是正确的(P04和P05),我尝试通过UART使用FTDI电缆启动,我可以使用TX和RX和连接和发出GND电缆进行操作。通过连接和未连接重置引脚来重置VCC。因此,它必须与RST和VCC之间的连接有关,也必须在智能片段工具上选择正确的端口。您可以通过相应引脚(P04 / P05)上的终端检查(P04 / P05)如果发出重置后存在(垃圾)(这意味着您已发出重置和启动加载程序运行)。
Connection was the reason. Soldering on a PCB solved that. I can see garbage on TeraTerm a well as the Terminal in SmartSnippets. When I power it, I can see the booting sequence for all the UART TX (P0.0, P0.2, P0.4, P0.6) without connecting any pins to the FTDI cable. However, I then connected DA14580 TX to FTDI cable RX, the booting sequence suddenly has very slow rising time such that it only reached ~60% of high level. As a result of that, on SmartSnippets, the error message tells me that CRC doesn't match. I will check if it's cable's fault by feeding data from FTDI TX to FTDI RX, but is this something you may have a clue? Thanks again for your help.
Hi chanmi168,
除了HW probelm之外,在从UART过程中启动时可能会出错,检查您的SMART SPIPPET版本,并确保其最新(3.9版)。另外请检查FTDI电缆上的延迟计时器,我可以记住通过执行此类问题的案例已解决。
谢谢for helping. Now my chip is working properly. Really couldn't figure what went wrong, but I will describe what I did for anyone who might need it:
2. Uninstall SmartSnippets and install it again
3. Uninstall the drive for FTDI cable and install it again
4.使用一个新的breadboard for connection
My guess is it's a hardware issue. Most likely I fried the chip somehow. You will be able to see "reset detected" when you manually connect the reset pin to Vcc then connect back the ground. Hope this helps anyone!
Best regards MT_dialog
Hello Chanmit168,
I am interested in your post, since I will start a project with this module, to do tests I do my own pcb since I do not have the kit,
my question is if in your pcb you connected only the FTDI to your module without anything in between?
or there is some document to program by UART that you can refer me?
"AN-B-001 - Booting from serial interfaces v2.0.pdf"