we want to use the ECC Secutity Toolbox integrated in the DA14681 but found out, that the SDK 1.0.6 does not support ECC.
Are you planning on implementing it soon ? Or are there any informations about when it'll be available ?
Thank you
嗨Firefox2005,SDK1.0.8 is currently scheduled to have the security toolbox development enbaled (as well as a load of other features). This is schedulded currently for end of November. BR JE_Dialog
will the new SDK be released any time soon?
hi There, currently scheduled for week of the 12th December to release : we are currently testing out the engineering release.. so very soon. BR JE_Dialog.
now that the new SDK is released I want to use the Crypto engine. Is there any example or detailed documentation? Do I have to use the LLDs, for example if I want to verify a Signature.
Unfortunatelly currently there is no demo application available that exposes the functionallity of the crypto engine on the 68x or a detailed .pdf file focusing on the crypto function, currently the only available resource is the Doxygen documentation. There will be documentation and example projects on the near future for this feature. Regarding if you should use the low level drivers or the adapters, that depends on the application that you would like to build, but in general we recommend using the adapters for the available peripherals and not the low level drivers.
Thanks MT_dialog