I saw a modulel dsps pcb .DSPS can work without CTS and RTS ,test out that the sleep electric current is performed.
So ,that is to say,the RX interrupt can wake up the 14580 when 14580 in sleep.
I test the function follow without CTS,RTS ,open sleep.
static void app_sleep_prepare(sleep_mode_t *sleep_mode)
if(*sleep_mode == mode_sleeping)
if (!uart_sps_sw_flow_off())
if (!uart_sps_flow_off())
*sleep_mode = mode_idle; //(A)
app_sleep_flow_off = 1; //*for uart realtime*// //(B)
the result is :
static void app_sleep_prepare(sleep_mode_t *sleep_mode)
if(*sleep_mode == mode_sleeping)
*sleep_mode = mode_idle; //(A)
// else
app_sleep_flow_off = 1; //*for uart realtime*// //(B)
如果我盾(B),leave (A) to used ,the project can get RX data but not enter sleep.
when debug code in 14580,5~7second delay ,can get rx data and tx data to PC.
but when I shield (A),only leave (B) to used ,the project can not get RX data.
How to handle sleep function to realize DSPS work without CTS and RTS?
can you give me some suggestions.
Hi YuanhangWu,
I dont fully undestand what you are trying to do, i suppose that you can use the RX and TX channels to send dummy data and wake up the da and start exchanging data via uart but the timings are very delicate in that case, so it will be a bit hard to pull of a scenario like that. But i suppose that you can send dummy data in order to wake up the da and wait until it is awaken.
Thanks MT_dialog
我有点不理解你们说的,我想问下这个DSPS DA1458x_DSPS_v_5.150.2到底能不能工作没有 CTS and RTS,并且能进入低功耗而且可以稳定收发数据?谢谢!
Hi zslstandly,
Please mind where you are posting, this is an english forum, you can only post in English, you can use the Chinese forum instead.
Thanks MT_dialog
OK, Thank you .