I'm trying to load a dsps image to a 14581 from a host controller. The image is the default Keil_5/sps_device_580 build - I've made no modifications to the code downloaded from dialog-semiconductor.
The image loads fine and I get a good CRC back from the radio, post-load. And then...nothing ( meaning: my device never shows up when scanning for it with the DSPS android app).
My question: is there some configuration I need to tweak because I'm running this on a 581 vs a 580?
when in keil compilation, there is a drop-down menu option for choosing 580/581/583.
Not sure you've compiled with the correct image.
Yeah, I found that dropdown - but it's only got a single choice, 580. And yes, absolutely: I'm thinking I'm not compiling the correct image for my 581 target. There was an 'ADD' button there though...
__DA14581__是如何定义的?我看到康迪特ional compilation for that all over the place.
Wish this thing would just generate a makefile. Much more straightforward than all these dialogs & preferences & whatnot. :|
yes.Only with _DA14581_ defined.
there is a tool "uvproj2Make" in directory "utilities". can generate a makefile.
Okay - this script has apparently been dropped from Keil's utilities/ directory.
Is there some way I can get a copy, do you have a download link you could point me to?
I found a different drop-down, on a menu bar on the IDE itself that actually contained the 581 as a selection (I was looking at one on the device database dialog, which has only one option: DA14580); built the .axf, converted it to .bin, converted that to a byte array & loaded via my uC...and finally was able to connect to my radio with your SPS app (guess I have to figure what else the app's supposed to do...nothing much happening post-connect right now...).
Great, I'll look for uvproj2Make. Also just found your application note AN-B-024, "DA14580 Porting a Keil uVision project to the GNU tool chain", which sounds pretty promising.
Thanks for the help!