when use the app_easy_timer() call back a function,
for example app_easy_timer(100,Fn1);
At a location in the program,I want to check if the function of Fn1 is excute or not.
if it does not excute I will to cannel the callback.
(the method to add a flag in Fn1 does not fit for me )
Hi RandyYu,
I am not aware any other method to suggest if a function has allready run or not, other than placing a flag to indicate that, why that method does not suite you ?
如果你know for sure that you timer has started counting (the app_easy_timer() returns an id once its set, you can store that id in a variable) so you can set this id to an EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER when the handler occurs, therefore you can check if the value of the variable !=EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER the callback hasn't run yet and if variable == EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER the timer has elapsed and the function has been called.
Thanks MT_dialog
I had modified as you said
in the callback function
处理程序= app_easy_timer ();
when I want to cancel or modify the timer
I have a judgement if(handler != EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER )
some times it will stop at ASSERT_WARNING(0) ,
when use the there function it's often encounter the problem.
how to slove the problem?
thanks very much
Hi RandyYu,
如果你get that error it means that either you are cancelling a timer with an invalid handler value or you cancel a timer that has no callback (either a NULL callback or an emptycallback). Check the app_easy_timer_cancel() there is a condition that checks the above mentioned issues, you can check that in order to debug it.
I suppose that the reason is that when you cancel the timer (when you call the app_easy_timer_cancel()) you dont set the handler value in EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER, so when running the cancelation function you pass a valid handle with a canceled callback and you get an error since you attemp to cancel an allready cancelled timer.
Thanks MT_dialog