I have two questions about the OTP memory.
1. How does the OTP rom loader know where to load the OTP memory on bootup? For example the Secondary Booloader is loaded to RetRAM(according to the Secondary Bootloader documentation) while a standalone application is loaded to SysRAM. Perhaps the OTP is loaded into SysRAM and then the Secondary Boorloader loads itself into RetRAM?
2. How can I read data from the OTP memory after bootup? The DA1458X datasheet indicates this is possible but doesnt go into detail on exactly how it can be done. See OTPC_MODE_MODE, OTPC_FFPRT, OTPC_FFRD registers.
I just found the flash_programmer project example in the utilties folder of the SDK. That answers my second question(how to read the OTP memory). So please just answer my first question. Thank you.
The ROM loader just loads it to the beginning of SysRAM. But the ARM linker puts in some short piece of code that copies everything over to RetRAM and then continues execution from there. Everything is configured in the scatter file (the one that ends with .sct).
Thats what I assumed but thank you for confirmation.