I am attempting to follow the instructions detailed in "TypeZF_FirstStepGuide(N1-289A)en.pdf". I get as far as section 5.2, as I have thus far been unable to install SmartSnippets.
I get a "C:\Program Files\SmartSnippets\Uninstaller\run_uninstaller.vbs (Access is denied)" error message.
I am attempting to do this as administrator on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. What am I doing wrong?
Hello jlevro
This could be your antivirus software ? we've seen a couple of reports of this - please see the followoing link.
If that does not work, please let me know and i will look further into that.
BR JE_Dialog
Cant Install SmartSnippets 3.9 win64 on windows 10
get a windows script host error "there is no script engine for file extension ".vbs".
then get a file execution error
"failed to execute wscript.exe"
Hi grantsm6261,
Sorry, but our tools aren't tested on windows 10, as far as know though some of our customers using Smart Snippets and windows 10 and; haven't faced any problems. I trust that the problem you have, is related with your pc, as far as know the "wscript.exe" is the windows default program to open the ".vbs" file types.
Thanks MT_dialog