I have attended the Blue University training recently on Bluetooth Developer Studio by Bluetooth SIG. I don't see Dialog has the plugin for the Bluetooth Developer Studio (BDS) on the Bluetooth SIG website. Does Dialog support BDS at all or just your own tools? Beyond just development, what are the tools to get Bluetooth SIG qualification and declaration if not SIG's tools?
I'll let Dialog respond directly on your plugin and SIG qualification question, but FYI I have been using Bluetooth Developer Studio to create an Android app based on the Dialog SDK 5 ble_examples. In BDS I defined the Device Information Service and then a Custom Service with the list of characteristics in the ble_examples. The code generated using the Android Client plugin compiles in Android Studio and downloads to an Android tablet. It can connect to my DA14580 Basic Development Kit and display the characteristics advertised as in Dialog's UM-B-050 Chapter 8. Beyond that, you can modify the code on both ends to support whatever custom functions you need. For example, I've modified one of the ADC read characteristics to read and display the battery voltage. It's not exactly easy work, and I've found BDS just creates a rather rudimentary Android app that can talk to the Dialog BLE device. On the Dialog device side, you'll need to use the Keil tools and the Dialog SDK to create your application. As far as I know, there's not a BDS plugin capable of this level of code generation, which requires C compilation targeted for an ARM Cortex-M0 CPU.
Hi daniellsk,
Please check the post below.
Thanks MT_dialog