I'm running the beacon reference design on DA145810 expert dev kit and it got stuck after sending two advertising packets. It got stuck at the while loop in arch_system.c file
else // After 2 seconds system can sleep
sys_startup_flag = false;
if ( (app_get_sleep_mode() == 2) || (app_get_sleep_mode() == 1) )
SetWord16(SET_FREEZE_REG, FRZ_WDOG); // Stop WDOG until debugger is removed
while ((GetWord16(SYS_STAT_REG) & DBG_IS_UP) == DBG_IS_UP) {}; //the software got stuck here forever??????
SetBits16(SYS_CTRL_REG, DEBUGGER_ENABLE, 0); // close debugger
I set APP_BEACON_INT_MIN and APP_BEACON_INT_MAX to 0x640 to send advertising packets every 1 second.
Then I configured the hardware selection as follows:
# endif
# endif
I run the same compiled code with the above settings and run it on DA14583 basic dev kit. It works OK and sends advertising packets every 1 second continuously without any problem.
Could you please tell me what went wrong here?
Hi quangng,
No reference design project, when it has the sleep enabled is able to run with the debugger attached, you can either stop debugging or disable the sleep mode in the da14580_config.h file in the CFG_EXT_SLEEP definition. If the sleep is enabled the program will run until its time to go to sleep, after that it will stuck in that while() and wait to disable the debugger.
Thanks MT_dialog