I have 1 battery operated 14580 device (slave). And other is 14580 based master device. I want to make auto pairing between them even from first power ON.
Is it possible to do? If yes how to do it.
Just like in case Zigbee auto pairing is possible?
We have external eeprom to store cofiguration data.
Hi prasanth.velliyangiri,
I suppose that you can, upon power up the devices will scan/advertise and when the scanner picks up a specific bd address or a specific advertising string then issue a connection request, after the connection is done the slave should send a security request in order for the two devices to pair and exchange keys. You can have a look at the DSPS project that autoconnects when a specific advertising string is found and check the CFG_APP_SECURITY feature (you can enable it in the user_config.h file) where the slave requests security from the master.
Thanks MT_dialog