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DA7218 unused input or output components

1 month ago

DA7218 unused input or output components

Posted byjbright10分 1 reply
  1. Can we use the headphone output as a Line out, biased above ground, and not use the charge pump, or is the charge pump always required whenever output is used?
  2. If we're not using the charge pump, we can remove components on HPCSN, HPCFP, HPCFN, but do we still need the capacitor on HPCSP?
  3. If we're not using the input, do we need to keep the components on MICBIAS1, MICBIAS2?

Any other components that we can remove when input or output is not being used?

1 month ago


Hello Johnathan,

Thank you for reaching out to us

1. You need to connect the Charge Pump Pins to generate the supplies for the amplifier. (Please see attached a snippet from the DS)

2. When not using the charge pump , the HPCSP has to be powered ON

3. No, not necessary

Also the DA7212 has a Line out driver, is that interesting for you?

Please let me know if you have any further questions

Kind Regards


Attachment Size
Charge_pump_pins.png 34.19 KB