1 week ago
ble_init(). Is this a BLE API?
Posted byGreenTea40 points 2 repliesHello
I am using DA14585 and SDK6.0.14.1114.
I tried the ble_barebone example in the sdk project folder and it worked on my DA14585. Also the device name and the bd address showed on my Android's BLE Scanner App.
So now I am reading the source code and in the arm_system.c system_init() function where "BLE initialization" are processed I see a function called ble_init().
I searched in the SDK and the results were as below.
sdk\common_project_files\misc\da14531_symbols.lds(11): ble_init = 0x07f02255;
sdk\common_project_files\misc\da14531_symbols.txt(17): 0x07f02255 T ble_init
sdk\common_project_files\misc\da14585_symbols.lds(11): ble_init = 0x07f022b5;
sdk\common_project_files\misc\da14585_symbols.txt(17): 0x07f022b5 T ble_init
主要sdk平台\ \拱\ \ arch_system.c (142):extern void ble_init(uint32_t base);
sdk\platform\arch\main\arch_system.c(1308): ble_init(_ble_base);
what is an ewp file?
what is da14585_symbols.lds and da14585_symbols.txt file?
what does this ble_init() function do? There is no source code for it in the SDK.
1 week ago
Hi There,
The .ewp are the IAR project files. The symbols of the ROM are exposed into file da14585_symbols.txt for the DA14585/586 and file da14531_symbols.txt for the DA14531, and linked with the user application during the build process. The ble_init() is in the ROM code and takes care of the BLE initialization. This function is called by the system_init().
Please see the following user manual to understand the SDK6 architecture.
Thanks, PM_Dialog