




新产品系列从对话框的SmartBond行取得成功,拥有三个新的核心,可提供更大的处理电源,资源,范围和电池寿命,使开发人员能够推动各种连接的消费者应用程序的边界。雷竞技安卓下载DA1469X系列为开发人员提供了具有高级连接功能的开发人员,以将来对其设备进行证明,并满足多个应用程序的需求。雷竞技安卓下载作为基于ARM Cortex M33处理器的生产中的第一无线MCU,DA1469X产品为开发人员提供更大的加工电源,适用于高端健身跟踪器,高级智能家居设备和虚拟现实游戏控制器雷电竞官网登录。雷竞技安卓下载

Additionally, these wireless MCUs have a Configurable MAC which enable manufacturers to deploy proprietary 2.4 GHz and the latest Bluetooth low energy 5.2 protocol, opening up new possibilities such as accurate positioning for Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) and low latency communication exchange for applications like gaming. And, to enhance their sensing functionality, the line features a Sensor Node Controller (SNC) that runs autonomously and independently processes data from sensors connected to its interfaces.



支持s complex applications while guaranteeing extreme low power consumption



Provides banking-level security for application, data and communication


节省多达38平方毫米的PCB space (components + routing) vs existing wireless MCUs


Fitness trackers

Sport watches


Consumer appliances



Voice-controlled remote controls

Access control


VFBGA86, 6 x 6 x 0.55 mm

VFBGA100,5 x 5 x 0.475 mm

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Inquiries 经销商和代表 注册新闻通讯
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469x Datasheet(9.38 MB) 14/10/2019 3.2
姓名 日期 Version
SmartBond™ DA1469x Family Product Brief(678.33 KB) 14/02/1019 1.0
SmartBond™DA1469x系列产品简介(中文)(778.91 KB) 22/02/2019 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
da1469x sdk10.0.10.118(11.98 MB) (仅限注册用户) 24/07/2020 10.0.10
da1469x sdk10.0.0.118发行说明(1.27 MB) 24/07/2020 10.0.10
SDK User Manual
姓名 日期 Version
UM-B-090:DA1469X入门用户手册(HTML)(25.09 KB) 01/09/2019 2.0
UM-B-090:DA1469X入门用户手册(PDF)(3.74 MB) 2019/02/20/2019 1.0
UM-B-092: DA1469x Software Platform Reference Manual(0 bytes) 23/12/2019 5.0
UM-B-103:DA1469X应用程序移植指南(25.09 KB) 22/02/2019 1.0
UM-B-134:DA1469X充电功能(1.15 MB) 17/11/2020 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
SmartSnippets Studio发行说明(304.81 kB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
Linux操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.16(872.03 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
SmartSnippets Studio v2.0.16为MacOS(497.78 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.16(707.61 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox Release Notes(461.34 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.16 for for Linux OS(163.27 MB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets工具箱V5.0.16(123.77 MB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
UM-B-057 SmartSnippets Studio User Manual(3.07 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
UM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox用户手册(HTML)(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
姓名 日期 Version
克隆github示例存储库(1 byte)
DA1469X裸金属眨眼(25.09 KB) 02/03/2021 1.0
DA1469X CMSIS DSP示例(4.42 MB) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469x Cortex M33 fault handling(1.14 MB) 05/07/2019 1.0
DA1469X开发套件工厂固件(1.43 MB) 24/05/2019 1.0
da1469x emwin示范(1.31 MB) 02/02/2020 1.1
DA1469x Power Consumption Central(1.19 MB) 04/02/2020 1.0
DA1469X功耗外设(1.14 MB) 04/02/2020 1.0
传感器节点控制器DA1469X SPI模板(1.35 MB) 24/05/2019 1.0
DA1469X步进电机演示(1.68 MB) 16./04/2019 1.0
DA1469x VBAT Monitoring with Sensor Node Controller(1.1 MB) 16./04/2019 1.0
DA1469X唤醒控制器(498.36 kB) 16/10/2020 1.1
社交疏远的标签(25.09 KB)
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469X AT25SL128A闪存驱动器(1.2 MB) 08/06/2020 1.0
DA1469X AT25SL321闪存驱动器(1.06 MB) 08/06/2020 1.0
DA1469X AT25XE321闪存驱动器(1.01 MB) 03/03/2020 1.0
DA1469x EN25S16B Flash driver(1.02 MB) 2019/02/2019 1.0
da1469x是25wp032d闪存驱动器(1.05 MB) 08/06/2020 1.0
DA1469X P25Q32LE Flash驱动程序(1.06 MB) 08/06/2020 1.0
da1469x xm25qu64a闪存驱动程序(1.21 MB) 08/06/2020 1.0
DA1469x XT25Q08B Flash driver(1.05 MB) 06/06/2020 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
DA14699 LED驾驶员(1.06 MB) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469X AES加密/解密和哈希使用安全键示例(25.09 KB) 2011/01/2021 1.1
DA1469x AES HASH Engine(25.09 KB) 23/02/2021 1.1
DA1469x AES HASH Secure Keys(5.07 MB) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469x Audio Example(551.94 KB) 20/10/2020 1.1
DA1469X电池SOC燃油计演示应用(474.04 KB) 02/12/2020 1.0
DA1469x Crypto AES OTP(1.77 MB) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469X自定义蓝牙服务(25.09 KB) 11/02/2021 1.1
DA1469x GPIO Pins Handling(1.07 MB) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469X I2C请求响应示例应用程序(25.09 KB) 27/01/2021 1.1
传感器节点控制器DA1469X I2C模板(1.32 MB) 2019/04/2019 1.0
DA1469X输入捕获和PWM计时器(485.23 kB) 02/12/2020 1.1
DA1469X实时时钟(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.1
DA1469x UART adapter example(25.09 KB) 25/02/2021 1.1
da1469x usb-msc_fatfs示例(2.49 MB) 25/08/2020 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469x CPP collector(1.25 MB) 21/06/2019 1.0
DA1469X CPP传感器(1.16 MB) 21/06/2019 1.0
da1469x ibeacon.(1.08 MB) 2019/04/2019 1.0
DA1469X微信概况应用程序(1.2 MB) 05/07/2019 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
对话框 - 源代码 - android(3.03 MB) (仅限注册用户) 04/05/2020 3.190.18
对话框 - 源代码 - iOS(4.11 MB) (仅限注册用户) 04/05/2020 3.200.14
姓名 日期 Version
Production Line Tool documents(7.58 KB)
Application Notes
姓名 日期 Version
AN-B-027:为蓝牙智能设计印刷天线(1.64 MB) 25/06/2020 2.3
AN-B-027: Designing Printed Antennas: DXF files(12.38 KB) 04/04/2017 1.0
AN-B-066:硬件设计指南(4.45 MB) 13/11/2020 1.5
AN-B-069: DA1469x Booting From Serial Interface(311.86 KB) 14/02/2019 1.0
AN-B-070: Bluetooth Direct Test Mode(1.14 MB) 24/04/2019 1.5
姓名 日期 Version
Sensor Node Controller - Powering the future of connected sensors(464.04 KB) 12/04/2019 Rev. A
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469x Power Consumption Tutorial(1 byte) 04/02/2020 1.0
DA1469X安全启动教程(25.09 KB) 20/10/2020 1.1
DA1469x支持大于512kb的图像(0 bytes) 20/06/2019 1.0
DA1469x Tutorial Advertising Concepts(0 bytes) 22/02/2019 1.0
DA1469x Tutorial BLE Custom Service(0 bytes) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469X教程外部中断(0 bytes) 22/02/2019 1.0
DA1469x Tutorial Flash Adapter (Non-Volatile Memory Storage)(0 bytes) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469x Tutorial Flash Driver Creation(0 bytes) 19/06/2020 2.0
DA1469X通过JLINK GDB服务器进行教程闪存(0 bytes) 2019/03/000 1.0
DA1469X教程GPADC适配器概念(0 bytes) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469X教程I2C适配器概念(25.09 KB) 2011/03/2021 1.1
DA1469X教程SPI适配器概念(0 bytes) 2019/02/2019 1.0
DA1469X教程启动项目(0 bytes) 2019/02/2019 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
DA14695 VFBGA-86符号和脚印(25.09 KB) 09/04/2020 1.0
DA14697 VFBGA-100 Symbols & footprints(25.09 KB) 09/04/2019 1.0
Known limitation list
姓名 日期 Version
da1469x勘误表列表(446.18 kB) 01/02/2019 1.1
FCC, ETSI certifications
姓名 日期 Version
相似声明:da1469x(243.1 KB) 17/06/2020 1.0
DA1469X EN 300 328认证测试(749.52 KB) 26/06/2020 2.2.2
DA1469X EN 300 328认证测试(1.27 MB) 20./07/2018 2.1.1
DA1469x FCC certification test(1.81 MB) 20./07/2018 1-6662 / 18-01-04
BT SIG certifications
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469X QDID控制器子系统(7.58 KB) 14/07/2020 D050846
da1469x qdid主机子系统(7.58 KB) 14/07/2020 D050847
RoHS and Reach
姓名 日期 Version
da1469x add申报(313.07 KB) 11/12/2018 1.0
da1469x rohs 2声明(315.15 KB) 12/11/2018 1.0
姓名 日期 Version
social_distancing_tag DA1469x(7.07 MB) (仅限注册用户) 06/08/2020 1.0。6
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469x SDK_10.0.8.105(13.68 MB) (仅限注册用户) 01/03/2020
DA1469x PLT firmware(1.18 MB) 01/07/2019 1.1
DA1469x PLT firmware(1.18 MB) 2019/10/16. 1.2
da1469x sdk10. MB) (仅限注册用户) 24/04/2019
da1469x sdk10.发布说明(687.62 KB) 24/04/2019
DA1469x SDK10.0.6.90(13.06 MB) (仅限注册用户) 27/09/2019
da1469x sdk10.发布说明(432.38 kB) 27/09/2019
da1469x sdk10.0.8.105发布说明(506.37 KB) 17/01/2020
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.12适用于Windows操作系统(1 byte) 14/03/2020 5.0.12
姓名 日期 Version
DA1469x SDK10.0.6.88(13.25 MB) (仅限注册用户) 05/08/2019
对话框 - 源代码 - android(3.33 MB) (仅限注册用户) 2017/10/11 3.19.14
对话框 - 源代码 - android(2.86 MB) (仅限注册用户) 2019/10/2019 3.190.16.
对话框 - 源代码 - iOS(3.93 MB) (仅限注册用户) 2017/10/11 3.200.10
低功耗连接软件许可协议(120.04 KB)
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.10 for Linux OS(810.84 MB) 02/10/2019 2.0.10
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.10 for Windows OS(575.68 MB) 02/10/2019 2.0.10
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.12 for Linux OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 2.0.12
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.12(1 byte) 14/03/2020 2.0.12
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for Linux操作系统(870.09 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for Windows操作系统(705.78 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.7 for Linux操作系统(834.05 MB) 2019/02/2019 2.0。7
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.7 for Windows OS(604.71 MB) 2019/02/2019 2.0。7
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.8 for Linux操作系统(834.34 MB) 03/04/2019 2.0。8
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.8 for Windows OS(607.06 MB) 03/04/2019 2.0。8
SmartSnippets Toolbox Release Notes(507.24 KB) 27/09/2019 5.0.10
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10用于Linux操作系统(205.02 MB) 02/10/2019 5.0.10
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10(137.45 MB) 02/10/2019 5.0.10
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.12 for Linux OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 5.0.12
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for for Linux OS(162.73 MB) 28/05/2020 5.0.14
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets工具箱V5.0.14(123.2 MB) 28/05/2020 5.0.14
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.7 for for Linux OS(193.92 MB) 08/02/2019 5.0.7
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Toolbox v5.0.7(128.51 MB) 08/02/2019 5.0.7
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.8 for Linux操作系统(194.13 MB) 03/04/2019 5.0.8
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.8 for Windows OS(128.72 MB) 03/04/2019 5.0.8
模块 主要特征
DA14691 / AzureWave AW-CU429
  • DA14691Bluetooth®LE5.1 SoC
  • 32Mbit Spi Flash.
  • Embedded antenna
  • 单2.4V - 4.7V电源输入
  • 邮票模块19.6mm x 15mm x 2.45 mm
  • FCC and ETSI certified


Product 店铺
DA14691 Avnet. digikey. Mouser
DA14695 Avnet. digikey. Mouser
DA14697 Avnet. digikey. Mouser
DA14699 Avnet. digikey. Mouser
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1 week ago


张贴了ethsiplab.10点 1回复

Hi there,

我试图在两个DA14695之间最大化吞吐量。我通过修改循环电源通知特性,构建在CPP传感器和CPP收集器示例之上。我试图提高传输速率(这在某种程度上工作,我达到每秒1000个传输),也达到了左右的传输),也是数据包大小 - 这不起作用。我将MTU设置为512,但在20个字节后始终截断发射机。



1 week ago


Hi ethsiplab,

谢谢你的问题在线。请看看我们的DA1469x Power Consumption Tutorial。除了功耗测量之外,本教程旨在展示如何设置不同的MTU大小。教程使用2 x da1469x:一个作为间隙中央,另一个作为间隔外围设备

The maximum allowed MTU supported by DA1469x family products, is 512 Bytes. In order to enable it ble_gap_mtu_size_set() is called in file ble_peripheral_task. The parameter this function takes is the number of Bytes that can be sent per connection interval.

Calling this function will not set the MTU of a connection since it can only be set by the Central Device and not the Peripheral. However it will let the central know that the peripheral device can support up to that MTU. The Central in turn, when it exchanges MTU with the Peripheral, it will set it to the maximum supported by both devices.

So, to set up the maximum MTU that this central could be locked at, add the following line in ble_central_task right after the ble_register_app() call.
