
SmartBond™ DA14585 and DA14586


SmartBond 5.0:更聪明,更灵活,甚至更低的电源


为对话框的一部分SmartBond家庭,DA14585&6 are the smallest, lowest power and most integrated Bluetooth® solutions available. This versatile SoC’s are ideal for adding Bluetooth low energy to products like remote controls, proximity tags, beacons, connected medical devices and smart home nodes. It supports all Bluetooth developments up to and including Bluetooth 5 and Bluetooth low energy Mesh. Plus, with 96 kB of RAM, the DA14585&6 have double the memory for user applications of its predecessor to take full advantage of the standard’s features. It also includes an integrated microphone interface for voice support at low additional cost. The wide supply voltage range (0.9 –3.6 V) covering a larger choice of energy sources and gives full design flexibility.


Like all SmartBond solutions, the DA14585&6 are easy to design-in and supports standalone as well as hosted applications. It is supported by a complete development environment and Dialog’s SmartSnippets™ software that helps you optimize your software for power consumption.


Complies to the Bluetooth 5 core specification

Integrated One-Time-Programmable memory

2 MB Flash(DA14586)

Extended user RAM (96 kB)

Low operating voltage (1.8 V to 3.6 V)

I2C and PDM audio interfaces


Large memory to build complex applications

Longest battery life

Suitable for Bluetooth Mesh



Remote controls

Proximity tags and trackers


Connected medical devices

Smart home

Human Interface Devices


Connected sensors


QFN-40 (5.0 x 5.0 x 0.9 mm)

WLCSP-34 (2.4 x 2.66 x 0.39 mm)


Get in touch with us directly through our worldwide sales offices, or contact one of our global distributors and representatives.

Inquiries Distributors and Representatives 注册新闻通讯
名称 日期 Version
AN-B-088: DA145xx Flash Selector Guide(163.48 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14585 Datasheet(5.06 MB) 15/10/2018 3.3
DA14585 datasheet for High temperatures(4.96 MB) 06/12/2018 3.2
da14586数据表(5 MB) 15/01/2018 3.3
名称 日期 Version
SmartBond™DA14585产品简介(557.51 KB) 01/01/2016 1.0
SmartBond™DA14585产品简介Simplified Chinese(658.36 KB) 01/01/2016 1.0
SmartBond™DA14586产品简介(556.91 KB) 01/01/2016 1.0
SMARTBOND™DA14586产品简介简体中文(651.05 KB) 01/01/2016 1.0
SmartBond™ DA1458x 系列产品(2.01 MB) 2017/06/12. 1.0
SmartBond™DA1458x系列产品(2.19 MB) 2017/06/12. 1.0
SmartBond™ DA1458x 製品ファミリ(2.16 MB) 2017/06/12. 1.0
名称 日期 Version
SDK6.0.14.1114.for DA14531 and DA14585/6(9.39 MB) (仅限注册用户) 29/04/2020 SDK6.0.14.1114.
SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001(6.31 MB) (仅限注册用户) 15/07/2020 SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001
SW-B-002 DA14531 SDK发行说明V. KB) (仅限注册用户) 29/04/2020 SDK6.0.14.1114.
SDK User Manual
名称 日期 Version
UM-B-049 DA14585 & DA14586 Getting Started Guide with the PRO-Development Kit (HTML)(25.09 KB) 02/11/2018 2.1
UM-B-049 DA14585 & DA14586 Getting Started Guide with the PRO-Development Kit (PDF)(2.36 MB) 02/11/2018 2.1
UM-B-143 Dialog External Processor Interface(6.15 MB) 11/12/2020 0.2
UM-B-146-DA14585-DA14531-HCI命令(778.48 KB) 10/11/2020 1.0
Development Tools
名称 日期 Version
SmartSnippets Studio发行说明(304.81 kB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
Linux操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.16(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
SmartSnippets Studio v2.0.16为MacOS(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.16(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox Release Notes(461.34 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.16 for for Linux OS(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.16 for Windows OS(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
UM-B-057 SmartSnippets Studio User Manual(3.07 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
UM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox用户手册(HTML)(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
UM-B-138: Programming flash User Manual (HTML)(25.09 KB) 24/03/2020 1.0
名称 日期 Version
对话框串行端口服务(DSP)(7.58 KB)
SmartBond™——无代码的命令(7.58 KB)
软件Application & Examples: Setup using Python Script
名称 日期 Version
SW Example: DA1458x Example Setup(1.61 MB) 17/09/2018 1.0
名称 日期 Version
DA14531-DA14585-586 Simple Button(25.09 KB) 22/01/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586 SPI DMA Example(3.74 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14585 / -DA14586 / -DA14531_SEGGER_RTT_EXAMPLE(25.09 KB) 22/01/2021 1.1
名称 日期 Version
使用DS18B20温度传感器1Wire(702.48 KB) 15/10/2018 1.0
Active Scanner(558.72 KB) 18/09/2018 1.0
BLE Central Security Demo Project(633.57 KB) 27/11/2018 1.0
用蓝牙le突发广告(689.88 KB) 20/05/2019 1.0
DA14531 DA14585 and DA14586 ibeacon(25.09 KB) 05/02/2021 1.1
DA14531 DA14585-586 BLE Button Wakeup(25.09 KB) 11/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585-586 BLE Multirole Example(1.1 MB) 02/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585-586 BLE Notify Button Wakeup(25.09 KB) 12/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585-586 Changing advertising parameters using GPIO interrupts and/or timers(25.09 KB) 12/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585-586 Measuring Temperature(25.09 KB) 17/02/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586 Reading I2C Accelerometer BLE(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.5
DA14531-DA14585-586 Simple beacon Example(2.26 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14531-DA14585-586 ::处理重置机制的不同方式(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586_HID Gamepad Demo(25.09 KB) 11/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585/586 Service Data Beacon(651.33 KB) 15/05/2020 1.0
DA14585 DA14586 DA14531扫描请求轨道(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.1
DA14585-DA14531动态DLE和L2CAP数据包大小优化(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14585 / 586与I2C上的Mcube加速度计接口(810.99 KB) 06/06/2019 1.0
DA14585/DA14586 - DA14531 Multiperipheral Example(2.16 MB) 15/05/2020 1.0
DA14585/DA14586/DA14531 Central Implementation(25.09 KB) 05/02/2021 1.1
DA14585_DA14586 IR Remote Demo(959.85 KB) 11/01/2019 1.0
FDC2112 Capacitance sensor demo(1.87 MB) 12/09/2019 1.0
名称 日期 Version
对话框DSPS-源代码 - Android(1.73 MB) (仅限注册用户) 29/01/2020 3.210.8
对话DSPS- Source Code - iOS(6.78 MB) (仅限注册用户) 29/10/2019 3.220.6
对话SmartTags - Source Code - Android(3.3 MB) (仅限注册用户) 24/10/2019 3.270.6
对话SmartTags - Source Code - iOS(5.05 MB) (仅限注册用户) 23/10/2019 3.280.6
对话框 - 源代码 - android(3.03 MB) (仅限注册用户) 04/05/2020 3.190.18
对话框 - 源代码 - iOS(4.11 MB) (仅限注册用户) 04/05/2020 3.200.14
对话Voice RCU - Source Code - Android(3.35 MB) (仅限注册用户) 24/10/2019 3.310.6
名称 日期 Version
Production Line Tool documents(7.58 KB)
Application Notes
名称 日期 Version
AN-B-007 DA1458x Bluetooth Direct Test Mode(1.28 MB) 02/04/2017 1.2
AN-B-010 DA14580使用Suota(通过空中的软件更新)(1.99 MB) 02/12/2016 1.2
AN-B-021 DA1458X WLCSP光敏性(701.54 KB) 22/02/2017 1.2
AN-B-027:为蓝牙智能设计印刷天线(1.64 MB) 25/06/2020 2.3
AN-B-027: Designing Printed Antennas: DXF files(12.38 KB) 04/04/2017 1.0
AN-B-054: DA14585/586 Application Hardware Design Guidelines(546.76 KB) 18/05/2018 1.2
AN-B-055:DA14585与外部内存接口(2.42 MB) 04/08/2020 1.6
名称 日期 Version
Voice Commands for Bluetooth Low Energy Remote Controls(489.87 KB) 01/04/2018 Rev. A
名称 日期 Version
BLE Advertising Tutorial (HTML)(25.09 KB) 25/10/2019 1.0
BLE Suota更新DA14585 / DA14586和DA14531设备(25.09 KB) 03/09/2020 2.1
Create a Custom GATT Profile Characteristic on DA14531 and DA14585/DA14586 devices(25.09 KB) 01/04/2020 2.0
使用SDK6(HTML)入门(25.09 KB) 12/01/2021 1.9
Tutorial 3: Custom profile gatt cmd example(1.09 MB) 03/04/2019 1.2
教程4:睡眠模式电流测量(2.44 MB) 2017/03/27. 1.0
Tutorial 5: BLE security example(2.31 MB) 2017/03/27. 1.2
Tutorial 6 : SUOTA TOOL ZIP FILE(25.01 KB) 24/05/2018 1.0
Tutorial 7: DA1458x prototype bring up guide(1.06 MB) 03/02/2017 1.2
Tutorial 8: Debugging methods(1.19 MB) 2017/03/27. 1.1
Tutorial :How to change the RAM size to reduce power consumption in extended sleep mode For The DA14585/586 Devices(1.32 MB) 17/08/2018 1.0
Using SDK6 Peripheral Drivers (HTML)(25.09 KB) 04/05/2020 1.5
Known limitation list
名称 日期 Version
DA1458X硬件已知限制(81.22 KB) 2018年18月18日 1.0
FCC, ETSI certifications
名称 日期 Version
DA14585 EN 300 328 certification test report(578.09 KB) 26/06/2020 2.2.2
DA14585 EN 300 328 certification test report(1.72 MB) 31/07/2017 2.1.1
DA14585, 586 Declaration of Similarity(242.98 KB) 17/06/2020 2.0
BT SIG certifications
名称 日期 Version
DA14585-DA14586 QDID Controller Subsystem(0 bytes) 2017/02/14. D034285.
DA14585-DA14586 QDID Host Subsystem(0 bytes) 2017/02/14. D034283
RoHS and Reach
名称 日期 Version
da1458x add申报(188.37 KB) 2018年2018年 1.0
da1458x rohs 2声明(183.6 KB) 2018年2018年 1.0
名称 日期 Version
DA14585 IOT Multi-Sensor Kit Product Brief (Chinese)(1.59 MB) 01/01/2018 1.0
发行说明DA1458X DA1468X PLT V4.2(222.87 KB) 24/10/2017 PLT v4.2.
SmartBond DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor Development Kit Product Brief(1.26 MB) 26/06/2018 1.0
UM-B-041:SmartBond生产线工具用户手册(5.64 MB) 01/10/2020 4.5
UM-B-089用户手册DA14585范围扩展器参考应用程序(4.21 MB) 01/08/2019 1.1
Previous Software Releases
名称 日期 Version
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.12适用于Windows操作系统(1 byte) 14/03/2020 5.0.12
名称 日期 Version
DA14585/6_Software_Release_Notes_v6.0.10(239.33 kB) 02/08/2018 6.0.10
DA14585/6_Software_Release_Notes_v6.0.8(319.8 KB) 21/05/2018 6.0.8
对话SmartTags - Source Code - Android(3.76 MB) (仅限注册用户) 03/04/2017 3.270.2
对话SmartTags - Source Code - iOS(5.05 MB) (仅限注册用户) 23/10/2019 3.280
对话框 - 源代码 - android(2.86 MB) (仅限注册用户) 24/10/2019 3.190.16
对话框 - 源代码 - android(3.33 MB) (仅限注册用户) 2017/10/11 3.19.14
对话框 - 源代码 - iOS(3.93 MB) (仅限注册用户) 2017/10/11 3.200.10
对话框 - 源代码 - iOS(4.09 MB) (仅限注册用户) 29/10/2019 3.200.12
Low Power Connectivity Software License Agreement(120.04 KB)
SDK6.0.10 for DA14585/6(3.09 MB) (仅限注册用户) 02/08/2018 6.0.10
SDK6.0.8对于DA14585 / 6(3.09 MB) (仅限注册用户) 21/05/2018 6.0.8
SDK_6.0.12.1020.2 for DA14531 and DA14585/6 [Including SDK APIs Documentation](9.18 MB) (仅限注册用户) 12/12/2019
sdk_6.0.12.1020.2_hotfix_001(90.61 KB) (仅限注册用户) 06/03/2020
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.10 for Linux OS(810.84 MB) 02/10/2019 2.0.10
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.10 for Windows OS(575.68 MB) 02/10/2019 2.0.10
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.12 for Linux OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 2.0.12
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.12 for Windows OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 2.0.12
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for Linux操作系统(870.09 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for macOS(496.8 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for Windows OS(705.78 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.7 for Linux操作系统(834.05 MB) 2019/02/2019 2.0.7
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.7 for Windows OS(604.71 MB) 2019/02/2019 2.0.7
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.8 for Linux操作系统(834.34 MB) 03/04/2019 2.0.8
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.8 for Windows OS(607.06 MB) 03/04/2019 2.0.8
SmartSnippets Toolbox Release Notes(507.24 KB) 27/09/2019 5.0.10
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10用于Linux操作系统(205.02 MB) 02/10/2019 5.0.10
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10(137.45 MB) 02/10/2019 5.0.10
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.12 for for Linux OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 5.0.12
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for for Linux OS(162.73 MB) 28/05/2020 5.0.14
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets工具箱V5.0.14(123.2 MB) 28/05/2020 5.0.14
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.7 for for Linux OS(193.92 MB) 08/02/2019 5.0.7
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.7 for Windows OS(128.51 MB) 08/02/2019 5.0.7
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.8 for Linux操作系统(194.13 MB) 03/04/2019 5.0.8
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.8 for Windows OS(128.72 MB) 03/04/2019 5.0.8
SW-B-002 DA14531 SDK Release Notes v. KB) 12/12/2019
UM-B-012 DA14580 / 581/583创建辅助引导加载程序(1.15 MB) 2016/08/24. 3.2
UM-B-079 DA14585 & DA14586 Software Platform Reference (SDK 6.0.8)(4.73 MB) 21/05/2018 5.0
UM-B-080 DA14585&DA14586软件开发人员指南(SDK 6.0.8)(4.27 MB) 10/11/2017 5.0
UM-B-082: DA14585 & DA14586 SDK6 Porting Guide(483.24 KB) 21/05/2018 4.0

Development Kits and Reference Designs

DA14585 Development Kit – Basic
DA14585 Development Kit – Pro
DA14585 Voice RCU Development Kit
DA14585 IOT多传感器开发套件
Reference designs based on DA14585 and DA14586
DA14585 Range Extender
DA14585 Tile Reference Design


Smallest, lowest power and most integrated Bluetooth 5 SoC with integrated Flash


SmartBond™ DA14585 Development Kit Basic

In this video, you can see how to set up the DA14585 Development Kit Basic and view some of it’s important features.


SmartBond™DA14585开发Kit Pro

Getting started with SmartBond™ DA14585 Development Kit Pro. This Development Kit gives you all the flexibility you need to develop your product with confidence, creating more advanced connected applications with the smallest footprints.


DA14585 IoT Multi Sensor Kit

Connect sensors to the cloud at the lowest power and smallest footprint with Dialog’s DA14585 IoT Multi Sensor Kit



从此开始了解SmartBond™ DA14585开发套件专业版。这个开发套件为您提供了开发产品需要的所有灵活性,有助于您开发具有最小尺寸和最低功耗的更先进的连网应用。在此视频中,您将会了解开发套件专业版的内容和若干重要功能,以及了解Dialog开发工具和如何建立开发环境。

Module 主要特征
da14585 / azurewave aw-cu362
  • DA14585 BLE5.0 SoC
  • 1Mbit SPI Flash.
  • Embedded antenna
Buy now
DA14585 / Inventek ISM14585-L35
  • DA14585 BLE5.0 SoC
  • 最多8Mbit Spi闪光灯
  • Optional SkyWorks PA on board for increased TX power
Buy now from Digi-Key
Buy now from Mouser
DA14585 / PANASONIC / PAN1740A
  • 9.0 x 9.5 x 1.8mm
  • 集成天线和预认证
  • ARM® Cortex®-M0, 96kB SRAM, 64kB OTP
Buy now

Buy now

Product Shop
DA14585 digikey. Mouser Avnet二氧化硅 Avnet US
DA14586 digikey. Mouser Avnet二氧化硅 Avnet US
生产线工具套件(PLT) Avnet US
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张贴了BenjaminDu40 points 3 replies

2 weeks ago

Linking the project environment and the Dialog SDK

张贴了BenjaminDu40 points 2回复

2 weeks ago

magnetometer loosing calibration

张贴了gme_johannes0 points 1 reply

2 weeks ago


张贴了gme_johannes0 points 1 reply



张贴了Chris Giavotto0 points 6 replies



Device DA14585-00000VV2 Collapsible or Non Collapsible type

张贴了Francisco Ramos0 points 2回复