
SmartBond DA14530 and DA14531

The world’s smallest and lowest power Bluetooth 5.1 System-on-Chip

DA14530 and DA15531 Diagram

The SmartBond TINY™ DA14530 and DA14531 are the Bluetooth® low energy solution to power the next 1 billion IoT devices

SmartBond TINY™, the world’s smallest and lowest power Bluetooth 5.1 System-on-Chip, brings down the cost of adding Bluetooth low energy in any system to $0.50 in high volumes.


低系统成本是通过高level of integration in SmartBond TINY: a complete Bluetooth low energy system can be achieved with the addition of 6 tiny external passives, a crystal and power source. And to lower the barrier of entry, SmartBond TINY will also be available in an easy-to-use tiny module incorporating all the needed components, making the addition of Bluetooth low energy to any application a simple drop-in.

记录低冬眠和有源功耗,可实现长期的操作和保质期,即使是最小的一次性电池也是如此。基于强大的32位ARM Cortex M0 +,具有集成的存储器和一套完整的模拟和数码外围设备,SmartBond Tiny非常高效,在最新的EEMBC基准测试中提供18300的记录得分IOTMark™。DA14531封装中提供的2.0 x 1.7 mm封装,是其前身大小的一半,或其他领先制造商的任何产品。它是由一个灵活的SDK补充,支持框中的主要编译器,如keil和gcc。DA14530是与2.2×3.0mm FCGQFN24封装中DA14531兼容的引脚的引脚,并通过从内部LDO操作提供成本节省,从而消除了DC-DC电感器的成本。




  • 旨在使用一次性,甚至印刷电池
  • Works well with smallest capacity batteries, <<30mAh
  • 支持s multiple years of shelf life
  • 浪涌电流可限制具有高内阻的一次性电池
  • 包装设计允许具有最小可能的占地面积的低成本制造

Only requiring a single 32MHz crystal

In bypass mode no DC-DC inductor required

No boost converter required when working with 1.5V batteries



Connected consumer:
信标,智能标签,遥控器,近距离标签,连接手表,触控笔,鼠标,玩具,低功耗传感器,蓝牙LE在“BLE PIPE”上添加到现有应用程序雷竞技安卓下载


Tire Pressure, Monitoring Systems and low power wireless sensors



WLCSP17, 1.7x2.05x0.5

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名称 日期 Version
AN-B-088:DA145xx闪光灯选择指南(163.48 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14530数据表(4.64 MB) 09/03/2021 3.2
DA14531 Datasheet(4.39 MB) 09/03/2021 3.3
Product Brief
名称 日期 Version
DA14531 Smartbond Tiny产品简介(1.66 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14531 Smartbond Tiny Product Brief (Chinese)(1.76 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
名称 日期 Version
SDK6.0.14.1114for DA14531 and DA14585/6(9.39 MB) (仅限注册用户) 29/04/2020 SDK6.0.14.1114
sdk_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001(6.31 MB) (仅限注册用户) 15/07/2020 sdk_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001
SW-B-002 DA14531 SDK发行说明V. KB) (仅限注册用户) 29/04/2020 SDK6.0.14.1114
SDK User Manual
名称 日期 Version
UM-B-117: DA14531 Getting Started with the Pro Development Kit (HTML)(25.09 KB) 30/03/2020 1.2
UM-B-117: [Chinese] DA14531 Getting Started with the Pro Development Kit (HTML)(25.09 KB) 30/03/2020 1.2
UM-B-118:DA14585-DA14531 SDK移植指南(25.09 KB) 29/04/2020 1.2
UM-B-119:DA14585-DA14531 SW平台参考(25.09 KB) 10/04/2020 2.0
UM-B-143对话框外部处理器接口(6.15 MB) 11/12/2020 0.2
UM-B-146-DA14585-DA14531-HCI Commands(778.48 KB) 10/11/2020 1.0
名称 日期 Version
Dialog Smartbond Flash Programmer for Windows OS(4.57 MB) 12/04/2021 1.0.6
对话框智能闪存程序员for linux操作系统(8.15 kB) 12/04/2021 1.0.6
Dialog Smartbond Flash Programmer for mac OS(622.12 KB) 12/04/2021 1.0.6
SmartSnippets Studio发行说明(304.81 kB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
Linux操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.16(872.03 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
SmartSnippets Studio v2.0.16为MacOS(497.78 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.16(707.61 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox Release Notes(461.34 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.16 for for Linux OS(163.27 MB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets工具箱V5.0.16(123.77 MB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
UM-B-057 SmartSnippets Studio User Manual(3.07 MB) 04/02/2021 2.0.16
UM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox User Manual (HTML)(25.09 KB) 04/02/2021 5.0.16
UM-B-138:编程闪存用户手册(HTML)(25.09 KB) 24./03/2020 1.0
名称 日期 Version
对话框串行端口服务(DSP)(7.58 KB)
SmartBond™- CodeLess AT Commands(7.58 KB)
社交疏远的标签(25.09 KB)
软件Application & Examples: Setup using Python Script
名称 日期 Version
软件示例使用Python链接脚本设置(25.09 KB) 04/11/2019 1.0
软件应用程序和示例雷竞技安卓下载: Peripheral Drivers/Adapters
名称 日期 Version
DA14531 TIMER1软件示例(1.69 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14531-DA14585-586简单按钮(25.09 KB) 22/01/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586 SPI DMA示例(3.74 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14585 / -DA14586 / -DA14531_SEGGER_RTT_EXAMPLE(25.09 KB) 22/01/2021 1.1
名称 日期 Version
Clone Github example Repository(25.09 KB)
DA14531 BLE EDDYSTONE信标具有休眠或深睡眠模式(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14531 Booting with Codeless Through a STM32(25.09 KB) 11/01/2021 1.0
DA14531 Configuring Hibernation and State-aware hibernation mode(25.09 KB) 02/02/2021 1.2
DA14531 DA14585 and DA14586 ibeacon(25.09 KB) 05/02/2021 1.1
DA14531 DA14585-586 BLE Button Wakeup(25.09 KB) 11/02/2021 1.1
DA14531功耗优化的动态广告(25.09 KB) 23/10/2020 1.0
DA14531-DA14585-586 BLE Multirole Example(25.09 KB) 12/04/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586 BLE Notify Button Wakeup(25.09 KB) 12/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585-586使用GPIO中断和/或计时器更改广告参数(25.09 KB) 12/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585-586 Measuring Temperature(25.09 KB) 17/02/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586读取I2C加速度计BLE(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.5
DA14531-DA14585-586简单的信标示例(2.26 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14531-DA14585-586:: Different ways of handling RESET mechanism(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14531-DA14585-586_HID Gamepad Demo(25.09 KB) 11/02/2021 1.1
DA14531-DA14585/586 Peripheral BLE- iOS MIDI over GATT profile(25.09 KB) 23./11/2020 1.0
DA14531-DA14585/586 Service Data Beacon(651.33 KB) 15/05/2020 1.0
DA14585 DA14586 DA14531扫描请求轨道(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.1
DA14585-DA14531动态DLE和L2CAP数据包大小优化(25.09 KB) 2011/02/2021 1.2
DA14585/DA14586 - DA14531 Multiperipheral Example(2.16 MB) 15/05/2020 1.0
DA14585 / DA14586 / DA14531中央实施(25.09 KB) 05/02/2021 1.1
Interfacing the MikroElektronika Pressure 5 click Board™ with DA145xx(25.09 KB) 17/03/2021 1.1
Quuppa标签EMU示例在DA14531上(25.09 KB) 18/12/2020 1.0
STM32 Suota通过DA14531(25.09 KB) 11/01/2021 1.1
Hardware Design Examples
名称 日期 Version
DA14531 QFN/Boost Hardware Design Example(505.61 KB) 29/07/2020 1.0
DA14531 QFN /降压硬件设计示例(487.49 KB) 29/07/2020 1.0
DA14531 QFN / ByPassHardware设计示例(484.73 KB) 29/07/2020 1.0
DA14531 WLCSP /Boost Hardware Design Example(527.56 KB) 15/09/2020 1.0
DA14531 WLCSP/ Buck Hardware Design Example(511.04 KB) 15/09/2020 1.0
DA14531 WLCSP /旁路硬件设计示例(505.63 kB) 15/09/2020 1.0
硬件设计示例指南(25.09 KB) 15/09/2020 1.1
名称 日期 Version
对话框 - 源代码 - android(3.03 MB) (仅限注册用户) 04/05/2020 3.190.18
Dialog SUOTA - Source Code - iOS(4.11 MB) (仅限注册用户) 04/05/2020 3.200.14
名称 日期 Version
Production Line Tool documents(7.58 KB)
Application Notes
名称 日期 Version
AN-B-027: Designing Printed Antennas for Bluetooth Smart(1.64 MB) 25/06/2020 2.3
AN-B-027: Designing Printed Antennas: DXF files(12.38 KB) 04/04/2017 1.0
AN-B-072: DA14531 Booting from OTP and Serial Interfaces(1.94 MB) 04/01/2021 1.5
AN-B-073: DA14531 Filter for Spurious Emissions Reduction(660.23 kB) 04/11/2019 1.2
AN-B-075: DA14531 Hardware Guidelines(2.4 MB) 23/10/2020 1.4
AN-B-077:DA14531蓝牙直接测试模式(1.88 MB) 17/03/2020 1.2
名称 日期 Version
实现蓝牙LE数据泵(514.18 KB) 04/11/2019 rev a
实现蓝牙LE数据泵(中文)(613.3 KB) 04/11/2019 1.0
名称 日期 Version
BLE Advertising Tutorial (HTML)(25.09 KB) 25/10/2019 1.0
DA145x设备上的BLE安全性(25.09 KB) 28/04/2020 2.0
BLE Suota更新DA14585 / DA14586和DA14531设备(25.09 KB) 03/09/2020 2.1
Create a Custom GATT Profile Characteristic on DA14531 and DA14585/DA14586 devices(25.09 KB) 01/04/2020 2.0
DA14531睡眠模式教程(HTML)(25.09 KB) 08/04/2021 1.3
DA14531_FAQs (HTML)(25.09 KB) 18/01/2020 1.0
使用SDK6(HTML)入门(25.09 KB) 12/03/2021 2.0
Using SDK6 Peripheral Drivers (HTML)(25.09 KB) 05/03/2021 1.6
名称 日期 Version
DA14531 17-XFBGA,WLCSP符号和脚印(25.09 KB) 13/03/2020 1.0
DA14531 FCGQFN24 Symbols & footprints(25.09 KB) 13/03/2020 1.0
Known limitation list
名称 日期 Version
DA14531 Errata DataSheet(182.04 KB) 01/11/2019 1.0
FCC, ETSI certifications
名称 日期 Version
DA14531 EN 300 328 certification test report (WLCSP)(1.2 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14531 ZH 300 328认证试验报告(QFN)(1.21 MB) 04/11/2019 1.0
BT SIG certifications
名称 日期 Version
DA14530:配置文件子系统(7.58 KB) 25/08/2020 D051783
DA14531:QDID控制器子系统(7.58 KB) 08/08/2019 D047135
DA14531: QDID Host Subsystem(7.58 KB) 27/08/2019 D047136
DA14531:QDID配置文件子系统(7.58 KB) 31/10/2019 D048316
RoHS and Reach
名称 日期 Version
da14531达申申报(163.83 KB) 04/11/2019 1.0
DA14531 RoHS宣言(163.83 KB) 04/11/2019 1.0
名称 日期 Version
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.12适用于Windows操作系统(1 byte) 14/03/2020 5.0.12
名称 日期 Version
对话框 - 源代码 - android(2.86 MB) (仅限注册用户) 2019/10/2019 3.190.16
Dialog SUOTA - Source Code - iOS(4.09 MB) (仅限注册用户) 29/10/2019 3.200.12
SDK_6.0.12.1020.2对于DA14531和DA14585 / 6 [包括SDK API文件](9.18 MB) (仅限注册用户) 12/12/2019
sdk_6.0.12.1020.2_hotfix_001(90.61 KB) (仅限注册用户) 06/03/2020
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.10 for Linux OS(810.84 MB) 02/10/2019 2.0.10
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.10 for Windows OS(575.68 MB) 02/10/2019 2.0.10
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.12 for Linux OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 2.0.12
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.12(1 byte) 14/03/2020 2.0.12
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for Linux操作系统(870.09 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for macOS(496.8 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Studio V2.0.14 for Windows操作系统(705.78 MB) 28/05/2020 2.0.14
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10 for for Linux OS(205.02 MB) 02/10/2019 5.0.10
Windows操作系统的SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10(137.45 MB) 02/10/2019 5.0.10
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.12 for Linux OS(1 byte) 14/03/2020 5.0.12
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for for Linux OS(162.73 MB) 28/05/2020 5.0.14
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for Windows OS(123.2 MB) 28/05/2020 5.0.14
SW-B-002 DA14531 SDK发行说明V. KB) 12/12/2019


Hardware Development Kits based on DA14531
开发套件 - USB
Development Kit – Pro


模块 Key features
  • 蓝牙5.1核心合格
  • 集成天线
  • 全球认证
  • Cortex-M0+ @16MHz
  • IoTMark™-BLE score of 18300
  • 23.75UA / MHz MCU电流
  • 内存:48KB RAM,32KB OTP&1MB闪存
  • 1.8-3.3V Supply Range
  • + 2.2DBM最大输出功率
  • -93dBm敏感性
  • Rx current 2mA at 3V
  • Tx current 4mA at 3V at 0dBm
  • 接口:2xuart,SPI,I2C
  • 4-channel 10-bit ADC
  • 8 GPIO.
  • 内置温度传感器
  • 工作温度:-40°C至+ 85°C
  • Dimensions: 12.5x14.5x2.8 mm
立即购买from Digikey
DA16600 Modules
  • Low Power Wi-Fi
  • 低功耗
  • Ultra Low Power
  • 优越的范围
DA14531 BDE-BLEM301
  • 蓝牙5.1合格(蓝牙所示:D050903)
  • FCC/CE/RoHS certified
  • Integrated high efficiency Antenna
  • 支持最多3个BLE连接
  • 16 MHz 32位ARM®Cortex®M0+
  • Memories: 1Mbit Flash, 48KB RAM, 144KB ROM, 32KB OTP
  • Rx current 2mA at 3V
  • Tx current 4mA at 3V at 0dBm
  • 1.8uA at sleep with all RAM retained
  • 可编程TX电源来自-19dBm至+2.2 dBm
  • -93 dBm receiver sensitivity
  • Quadrature decoder with 3 channels
  • 4通道11位ENOB ADC
  • 2 timers with PWM capabilities
  • Real Time Clock
  • Built in temperature sensor
  • Interfaces: 9 GPIOs, SPI, 2xUART, I2C
  • Operation: 1.8V - 3.3V, -40°C to +85°C
  • 尺寸:12.5x14.5x2.1 mm
  • 兼容对话框da14531mod
接触your local对话销售代表或电子邮件BDE:info@bdecomm.com
  • Size: 5 x 4.75 x 1.3mm
  • 包裹: LGA25
  • GPIOs: 12
  • 电源电压:1.1V-3.6V
  • TX < 3.5mA; RX < 2.2 mA
  • 内置高性能天线(也可以使用外部天线)
  • 板载天线范围:10-20米;外部天线范围:30-80米
  • 支持BLE 5.1,支持微信,IMDK和用户开发
  • 内置1MB闪存,支持OTA,存储用户数据
  • 工作温度: - -40℃至+ 85℃
Buy Now
DA14531 Honjia HJ-131IMH
  • Size: 4 x 4 x 1.3mm
  • 内置高性能天线(也可以使用外部天线)
  • 包裹: LGA17
  • GPIOs: 6
  • 电源电压:1.1V-3.6V
  • TX < 3.5mA; RX < 2.2 mA
  • 板载天线范围:10-20米;外部天线范围:30-80米
  • 支持BLE 5.1,支持微信,IMDK和用户开发
  • 内置1MB闪存,支持OTA,存储用户数据
Buy Now


Product 店铺
DA14531-00000OG2 WLCSP17 package Mouser digikey.
DA14531-00000FX2 FCGQFN24包装 Avnet美国 Mouser digikey.
DA14531-00FXDEVKT-P Mouser digikey.
DA14531-00OGDB-P Mouser digikey.
DA14531-00FXDB-P Mouser digikey.
DA14531-00FXDEVKT-U Mouser digikey.
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1 month ago


Posted byAprocha46.40 points 4回复

Dear all,

Is there any API to get thescanner_address_type.来自Le Scan请求已收到事件as described in the Bluetooth specification ?


1 month ago


Hi aprocha46,

谢谢你的问题在线。请结账DA14585 DA14586 DA14531扫描请求轨道SW Example. This example demonstrates how a peripheral device can track if it is scanned and which central device performs the scanning procedure. The central device needs to scan in active mode since the peripheral device will track if it is scanned via the scan request from central.


1 month ago

Aprocha46. 40 points


We are already using this callback, but as we want to know the type of address used by the the scanning device. More exactly to distinguish between a public address and a random address.

In the Bluetooth protocol there is a field mentioned in my question to get this information: do you have any matching API to know its value ?


accepted answer!

4 weeks ago


Hi aprocha46,

为延迟表示歉意 - 请在下面找到我的评论,以便检查BD地址的类型是否是公共或静态的。

The event parameter (Scanner_Address_Type) you had shared in the initial post it is when the device is configured in HCI mode and will get a HCI_LE_Scan_Request_Received event.

According to BLE v5.1 specs and section 3.6.5 Identity Address Information :

- If BD_ADDR is a public device address, then AddrType shall be set to 0x00.

- 如果bd_addr是静态随机设备地址,则addrtype应设置为0x01。

A] DA14531用作间隙外围

在这种情况下,我们建议使用DA14585 DA14586 DA14531扫描请求轨道SW Example (as suggested in my previous reply) with some modifications (see below) , as it demonstrates how a peripheral device can track if it is scanned and which central device performs the scanning procedure. The application code as it is on our website prints out only the Central’s BD address in user_scan_request_cb() callback function.

To check if the Central BD address is public or static, the following modifications should be done:

1. Include the llm_util.h in user_config.h as follow :

#include "llm_util.h"

2. Modify the scan_req_data_msg structure in user_config.h as below :

struct scan_req_data_msg {uint8_t scn_bd_address [6];uint8_t scn_req_addr_type;};


... struct scan_req_data_msg *ind = KE_MSG_ALLOC(SCAN_REQ_DATA_MSG, TASK_APP, TASK_APP, scan_req_data_msg); ind->scn_req_addr_type = llm_util_rxtxadd_getf(rxdesc); memcpy(ind->scn_bd_address, (uint8_t*)(_ble_base + (uint8_t*)rxdesc->rxdataptr), 6); ke_msg_send(ind); ...



arch_printf("Scan request from : "); arch_printf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ", param->scn_bd_address[5], param->scn_bd_address[4], param->scn_bd_address[3], param->scn_bd_address[2], param->scn_bd_address[1], param->scn_bd_address[0]); arch_printf("Type : "); arch_printf("%02x \n\r", param->scn_req_addr_type);

笔记:中央设备需要扫描活动模式since the peripheral device will track if it is scanned via the scan request from central

I have verified this by using theDA14585 / DA14586 / DA14531中央实施to configure the two (2) as GAP centrals.

- Central_1 is using a Public BD address, so USER_CFG_ADDRESS_MODE is set to APP_CFG_ADDR_PUB (Type : 00 in the serial terminal)

- Central_2 is using a Static BD address, so USER_CFG_ADDRESS_MODE is set to APP_CFG_ADDR_STATIC (Type : 01 in the serial terminal)

B] DA14531充当间隙中央

在这种情况下请查看SmartBond™- CodeLess AT Commands和user_on_adv_report_ind()回调函数。可以从此下载源代码:DA14585-DA14531 Codeless AT Command

The param->report.adv_addr_type checks if the BD Address is public or static. See also the user guide / section 3.4.1. Advertise/ Scan


The DA14531 should be configured as a GAP Central and according to the note : “the R implies Random address.* “



Aprocha46. 40 points

Thanks very much for your support: this is exactly what I need

快乐的时光 !