The SmartBond TINY™ DA14530 and DA14531 are the Bluetooth® low energy solution to power the next 1 billion IoT devices
SmartBond TINY™, the world’s smallest and lowest power Bluetooth 5.1 System-on-Chip, brings down the cost of adding Bluetooth low energy in any system to $0.50 in high volumes.
低系统成本是通过高level of integration in SmartBond TINY: a complete Bluetooth low energy system can be achieved with the addition of 6 tiny external passives, a crystal and power source. And to lower the barrier of entry, SmartBond TINY will also be available in an easy-to-use tiny module incorporating all the needed components, making the addition of Bluetooth low energy to any application a simple drop-in.
Record low hibernation and active power consumption ensure long operating and shelf life with even the tiniest, disposable batteries. Based on a powerful 32-bit arm Cortex M0+ with integrated memories and a complete set of analog and digital peripherals, SmartBond TINY is extremely power efficient, delivering a record score of 18300 on the latest EEMBC benchmark for IoT connectivity, IoTMark™. Available in a tiny 2.0 x 1.7 mm package, the DA14531 is half the size of its predecessor, or any offering from other leading manufacturers. And it is complemented by a flexible SDK supporting major compilers such as Keil and GCC out of the box. The DA14530 is pin for pin compatible with DA14531 in a 2.2x3.0mm FCGQFN24 package and provides cost savings by operating from an internal LDO, eliminating the cost of a DC-DC inductor.
- 旨在使用一次性,甚至印刷电池
- 适用于最小容量电池,<< 30MAH
- 支持s multiple years of shelf life
- 浪涌电流可限制具有高内阻的一次性电池
- 包装设计允许具有最小可能的占地面积的低成本制造
Only requiring a single 32MHz crystal
In bypass mode no DC-DC inductor required
No boost converter required when working with 1.5V batteries
产品ion Line Tool for accelerated production ramp up, resulting in faster time to market and shortest production test time per device
信标,智能标签,遥控器,近距离标签,连接手表,触控笔,鼠标,玩具,低功耗传感器,蓝牙LE在“BLE PIPE”上添加到现有应用程序雷竞技安卓下载
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1 month ago
Sleep interfering with UART write
Posted by单自然打击210 points 3.replies我有一个计时器回调,其中我写了一个短的弦乐。我可以看到腻子中的输出,但是在几个字符之后截断字符串,我猜是由于设备恢复睡眠。
What is the correct way to control this? I want to finish writing the string and then allow the device to go to sleep. I guess I can use the uart TX callback as part of that, have found no information about telling the SDK to remain active.
1 month ago
//在启动期间调用void start(void){app_easy_timer(LED_TIMER_VAL,TIMER_CB);} //只是一个测试#define long_msg“猫坐在席位上梦想着这个,那个小鼠标相关的东西”静态void timer_cb(void){app_easy_timer(LED_timer_val,timer_cb);pic_uart_send(long_msg);} void pic_uart_send(const char *消息){//尝试在消息发送arch_force_active_mode()时尝试停止睡眠;UART_REGISTER_TX_CB(PIC_UART,PIC_UART_SEND_CB);UART_SEND(PIC_UART,(UINT8_T *)消息,strlen(消息),UART_OP_INTR);静态void pic_uart_send_cb(uint16_t长度){//允许睡眠现在已完成消息。//这不起作用,因为TX FIFO在调用回调时包含邮件的最后一个块//。ARCH_RESTORE_SLEEP_MODE();}
"The cat sat on the mat dreaming of this and that little mouse related cat sat on the mat dreaming of this and that little mouse relatedThe cat sat on the mat dreaming of this and that little mouse related▒The cat sat on the mat dreaming of this and that little mouse related The cat sat on the mat dreaming of this and that little mouse related The cat sat on the mat dreaming of this and that little mouse related".
I looked at the UART driver ISR as it seems like the callback is called immediately after the last chunk of the message is pushed into the FIFO. I could fix that, but wondered if there is a better way.
I also looked at arch_console.c - I note that the TX callback in that code uses the same method I have tried, but explicitly blocks while the FIFO is not empty. I guess that works, but I prefer my code to never block.
我用SDK。我可以建议foll吗owing modified uart_tx_isr()? This allows one more interrupt which occurs after the FIFO is finally empty. Only then does it disable interrupts and call the callback function. I tried it with various string lengths that were on or near the FIFO size and it seems to do the right thing.
静态void UART_TX_ISR(UART_T * UART_ID){UART_ENV_T * UART_ENV = UART_ENV(UART_ID);//条件要阻止回调,直到FIFO为空IF(UART_ENV-> TX_INDEX TX_TOTAL_LENGH){//虽然有可用空间,但在(UART_ENV-> TX_INDEX TX_TOTAL_LENGTH)中放入THR_REG或FIFO中的数据{//如果启用了FIFO,如果它已满(Uart_fifo_enabled_getf(Uart_fo_eNabled_getf(Uart_d)){if(!uart_txfifo_not_full_getf(Uart_id)){return;}} // else,如果thr退出,如果(!uart_thr_empty_getf(uart_id)){return;} //发送一个字节UART_THR_SETF(UART_ID,UART_ENV-> TX_BUFFER [UART_ENV-> TX_INDEX ++];} 返回;} //所有已发送的所有内容//禁用TX中断UART_TXDATA_INTR_SETF(UART_ID,UART_BIT_DIS);UART_Thre_Intr_setf(UART_ID,UART_BIT_DIS);//如果(UART_ENV-> TX_CB!= NULL){UART_ENV-> TX_CB(UART_ENV-> TX_TOTAL_LENGH);}}
1 month ago
When the device is configured to extended sleep mode, then it will sleep between advertising or connection intervals. During sleep, all the peripheral domains (including UART) are powered-down, so you will able to have UART activity.