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Share Buybacks

Voting rights and capital announcement
Announcement related to the second settlement of the 2nd tranche of the share buyback programme
Voting Rights and Capital
Announcement related to the first interim (six weeks) settlement of the second tranche of shares pursuant to the share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 2 May 2019
Voting Rights and Capital
Ad-hoc-Mitteilung nach § 15 WpHG: Dialog Semiconductor Plc kündigt Aktienrückkaufprogramm sowie den Beginn des Prozesses für den Rückkauf der ersten Tranche der gemäß dem Programm zurückzukaufenden Aktien an
Announcement relating to the second tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 2 May 2019
Dialog Semiconductor announces commencement of the process for the second tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to its share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 2 May 2019
Voting Rights and Capital
Announcement related to the third and final settlement of the first tranche of shares pursuant to the share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on May 2, 2019
Notification of holdings of own shares Dialog Semiconductor
Announcement related to the second interim settlement of the first tranche of shares pursuant to the share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on May 2, 2019
Announcement related to the first interim settlement of the first tranche of shares pursuant to the share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on May 2, 2019
Announcement relating to the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 2 May 2019
Dialog Semiconductor announces commencement of the process for the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to its share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 2 May 2019
Announcement relating to the settlement of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc’s share buyback programme
临时通知我n accordance with Article 17 - Share Buy Back
Announcement relating to the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme authorised by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 3 May 2018
Voting Rights and Capital
Announcement relating to the final settlement of the third tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc’s share buyback programme
Announcement relating to the second interim (twelve weeks) settlement of the third tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc’s share buyback programme
Voting Rights and Capital
Announcement relating to the first interim (six weeks) settlement of the third tranche of shares bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc’s share buyback programme
Voting Rights and Capital
Voting Rights and Capital
Announcement relating to the third tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme
临时通知我n accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 April 2014: Dialog Semiconductor announces commencement of the process for the third tranche of shares to be bought back purs
Announcement relating to the final settlement of the second tranche of shares bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme
Announcement relating to the second interim (twelve weeks) settlement of the second tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc’s share buyback programme
Voting Rights and Capital
Announcement relating to the first interim (six weeks) settlement of the second tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc’s share buyback programme
Announcement relating to the second tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme
临时通知我n accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 April 2014: Dialog Semiconductor announces commencement of the process for the second tranche of shares to be bought back...
Voting Rights and Capital announcement 30 Sept 2016
Announcement relating to the final settlement of the first tranche of shares bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's authorised share buyback programme
Voting Rights and Capital announcement 31 Aug 2016
Voting Rights and Capital announcement 4 Aug 2016
Announcement relating to the interim (six weeks) settlement of the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme
Announcement relating to the second interim (twelve weeks) settlement of the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme
Announcement relating to the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to Dialog Semiconductor Plc's share buyback programme
临时通知我n accordance with § 15 WpHG: Dialog Semiconductor announces share buyback programme and commencement of the process for the first tranche of shares to be bought back pursuant to the programme


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