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Window Comparator
Window Comparator
Safety Features Application
Window comparators are an essential part of any design that runs off a depletable power source, like a battery or supercapacitor. By monitoring battery voltage, a device can choose to stop using nonessential resources at low battery levels. This can prevent permanent damage to the device.
- 任何GreenPak W / ACMP
- No other components are needed
- Configure the High-side ACMP2L by using the在来源中and在+收益选项以设置所需的高侧阈值。
- 以低侧阈值对低侧ACMP重复步骤1。
- Change the在+来源for the second comparator toACMP2L IN+ source。
- 添加LUT逻辑以触发低侧COMP低或高侧的中断。
- 窗口比较器GP.(4.17 KB)