

Industry-leading technology is what sets us apart from the competition


Diversifying our product portfolio



对话框的AC / DC转换器的产品组合所有都利用了专利的PrimAccurate™控制技术。该技术采用专有的数字算法进行实时波形分析,通过主变压器上的辅助绕组监控输出电压和电流,而不是使用从输出电压(分离或非隔离)的直接反馈。通过对话框的数字技术进行循环分析允许对输入和输出更改和完全保护的紧密负载和线路调节,而无需昂贵的附加组件,例如电源检测电阻。通过使用数字控制块操作,PrimAccurate™设备还可以以多种操作模式操作,而无需复杂的模拟电路。一些AC / DC转换器通过对话框制作的脉冲宽度调制(PWM)和脉冲频率调制(PFM)的组合,展开效率曲线,比等效模拟电路更广泛的负载范围提供高效率。在不需要该技术的电路中,例如固态照明,转换器使用准谐振控制来优化重载效率。完全数字控制还允许在时域而不是频域中进行补偿,从而消除外部补偿组件的需求,宽松设计和减少开发人员的上市时间。


Typical Breakdown of Multi-Mode Control of AC/DC Converters; PWM, PFM, Deep PWM, and Deep PFM


Dialog’s SmartPulse™ series of wireless sensors, actuators and base station devices enables the easy creation of wireless sensor networks for the home automation, security, healthcare and energy monitoring consumer markets. SmartPulse wireless sensors and actuators are on the SC14SPNODE module for data and voice, which uses the DECT ULE wireless transmission standard and integrates baseband, radio transceiver, power amplifier and antenna in a single package. Applications are defined in software and a range of software stacks can be downloaded from Dialog’s customer portal.

SmartPulse系列还包括一个支持ULE支持的基站设备,SC14CVMDect,带有嵌入式基站软件,作为System-in-package.by使用DECT ULE标准,该设备能够开发各种新的无线消费产品雷电竞官网登录在单个AAA电池组上运行长达10年。此外,运行SmartPulse传感器的系统使用Home的Dect ULE / DECT启用HUB或Internet网关进行自配置,允许连接系统使用智能手机,笔记本电脑或平板电脑进行管理。


Bluetooth® low energy is the gateway to personal connectivity and easy access to the cloud. Dialog’s SmartBond™ family is the simplest route to delivering the most power-friendly and flexible Bluetooth low energy connected products to the market.

高度集成,SmartBond提供最小,功率高效的蓝牙低能量解决方案 - 并实现最低的系统成本。该系列包括各种引脚兼容存储器选项的通用和应用优化解决方案,使设计灵活性变得简单地降低。这一切都是由我们强大的SmartSnippets软件工具和广泛的应用程序支持备份,使设计人员可以轻松充分利用其系统。雷竞技安卓下载我们的创新路线图确保设计人员将有蓝牙解决方案,当市场需要时,他们需要它们时需要它们。


DA8901 Smartwave™ Multi-Touch Integrated Circuit; MTICTM drives a number of infrared Light Emitting Diode (LEDs) in a controlled sequence, injecting light into the cover lens of the display. Using FlatFrog’s patented PSD Touch technology, as users touch the surface, scattered light is detected by multiple infrared receivers connected to DA8901’s detector front end. The resulting signals are amplified and dynamically filtered to remove ambient light before being converted into the digital domain using a high linearity ADC. The data is then subjected to FlatFrog’s PSD Touch algorithms using MTIC’s 3 custom ALUs and ARM micro controller before being communicated via SDIO to a standard external touch
controller IC which provides the touch coordinates to the main PC processor.

Each MTIC can drive 12 LEDs or be configured to control 100s of LEDs in external drive mode. Signals from 12 receivers can be processed in a single chip. Up to 16 MTICs can be used in a single system using a master / slave arrangement enabling a wide range of screen sizes up to 36 inches.


Dialog's AC/DC converters designed specifically for the Solid State Lighting (SSL) market overcome one of the major issues in designing retrofit luminaires, dimming without potentially harmful flicker. By implementing Flickerless™ technology in each SSL driver, Dialog offers LED drivers that are compatible with the industry's broadest range of dimmers, while eliminating potentially harmful flicker.

Dialog的专利Flickerless™技术利用了两级转换方法,首先检测调光器类型,如果有的话。一旦确定使用调光器类型,则输入电压通过斩波电路,这提供了匹配调光电路的正确阻抗,因此有助于提高整个电路的功率因数。除此之外,斩波电路还提供没有线频率分量的电压,允许AC / DC控制器根据输入调光电路所需的调光百分比提供LED驱动器电流的PWM调光。SSL驱动程序的对话框系列在630Hz至900Hz之间的调光频率,调光范围为1%至100%。这完全消除了LED输出上可见和不可见闪烁的可能性。




对话框的LED背光产品等内容雷电竞官网登录ement devices for driving large arrays of LEDs in LCD panels for applications such as HDTVs or Public Information Displays. With large LED-backlit displays, the key area of concern is how to cost-effectively provide equal brightness across the full panel and maintain high efficiency. LED voltage variation can be broad and become expensive when binning is required. And, with new Energy Star® power consumption standards becoming more and more stringent, burning extra watts to improve brightness matching is no longer possible.

Dialog's patented BroadLED™, Adaptive Switch Mode technology, reduces wasted power by 60%, while maintaining better than 2% channel-to-channel matching, enabling higher integration of drivers and the possibility to implement local dimming for large LCD displays in HDTVs. This permits the use of loosely binned, low-cost LED arrays. Adaptive Switch Mode works by establishing a constant current through each LED string and then the digital control algorithm calibrates the low dropout driver to account for the voltage applied to the highest voltage LED string, which may be beyond what that individual string requires. The current through the string is increased in order to utilize the applied voltage to its maximum and then the LDO driver is PWM modulated until the average current matches the original programmed current. This way, the extra voltage applied in not wasted in the driver, but actually conserved by PWM'ing each LED channel. This savings, on a channel by channel basis, adds up to an extremely large energy savings, thanks to Dialog's patented technology.


Dialog's Proprietary BroadLED™ Technology - Adaptive Switch Mode Technology




Enabling a new generation of highly flexible, programmable LED driver ICs for smart lighting applications. SmarteXite, based on fully configurable logic, is the first LED driver technology to directly and easily support wireless connectivity, light sensor control and allow easy integration into lighting control systems. The iW6401, supports multiple dimming interfaces, including digital dimming via a simple main on/off switch, the new LedotronTM digital dimming protocol and toggle-switch based dimming. All dimming-curves can be memory-configured to enable a highly optimized end-user lighting experience. The integrated digital loadline transmission (DLT) receiver in the iW6401 supports the Ledotron IEC 62756-1 dimming protocol, making it the world’s first single-chip plug-and- play Ledotron solution.

使用标准I2C数字接口,iW6401can serve as a powerful frontend for wireless communication modules like low-energy Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or ZigBee. Additionally, intelligent sensor devices enabling color- or proximity-sensing can be directly connected. When such a peripheral device is used, the integrated power management unit in the iW6401 provides a stable power source, reducing the external component count and cost.


SmartBeat是一种由预设计的固件组成的系统集成商解决方案,并配有配置和调整工具,用于快速开发USB音频应用,如Lync / Skype耳机,耳机和麦克风,它们是Microsoft Lync / Skype和/或USB兼容的。雷竞技安卓下载在预先设计时,固件提供了MMI的完全可定制性,如按钮和LED响应。键音变电器可以被配置为向用户添加可听反馈,例如指示音量上或向下和范围结束。



SmartFusion™software is Dialog’s unique software library for data acquisition, calibration and motion vector generation. Ideal for resource-constrained systems, it minimizes memory, processing requirements and power consumption.

This software library is provided free of charge for customer designs which use the Dialog Semiconductor SmartBond™ range of Bluetooth® Low Energy SoCs.


  • DA1458x - 世界上最小,电源最低,最综合的蓝牙低能量SOC
    • Beacons & Proximity, Health & Fitness, HID, Smart Home
  • DA1468X - 集成,灵活性和安全性最高
    • 可穿戴设备,虚拟现实,智能家居,苹果主页套装,HID,其他可充电设备,汽车

该SmartFusion library is available on and can be evaluated with the following development kit:

DA14585 IoT Multi Sensor Development Kit