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For decades our LonWorks platform has been powering industrial control applications, providing the highest level of reliability and flexibility in network topology, while our PLC modems provide an unprecedented level of flexibility and a wide range of standards-based and proprietary communication schemes uniquely optimized for the diverse needs of IIoT applications.
Our chips are embedded in IIoT devices such as sensors, load controllers, lighting drivers, elevators, railways, smart meters, battery chargers, industrial and agricultural equipment and many others to enable applications such as smart grid, building automation and Industry 4.0. These individual devices are managed by edge products such as our SmartServer™ IoT edge server. Documentation for legacy products isarchived here。
Our open, multi-protocol smart transceivers are systems on chips (SoCs) built on a fast Neuron core processor. They include protocol stacks for popular industrial field device communications including LON (all models) and BACnet (FT 6050). These chips are part of the IzoT™ platform from Dialog (formerly Echelon by Adesto)— the most comprehensive and open control networking platform for the industrial IoT.
Power Line Communications
我们的电力线路通信产品 - 经过多种多种,在粗略信道条件下提雷电竞官网登录供可靠的通信,在粗糙的通道条件下提供可靠的通信,具有卓越的性能。除了改善抗噪性和数据速率的专有模式。该设备也易于管理点对点或网状网络。
Router Chips
我们的专业IP路由器为Lon和Bacnet FT网络提供了箱式路由。它们是用于过程控制,建筑自动化,能源管理,运输系统控制和电信设备管理的理想选择。
LON Controllers
The Neuron line incorporates communication and control functions on a single chip, in both hardware and firmware, to facilitate the design of a LonWorks device. Neuron processors can interface with a wide variety of media transceivers — including twisted pair, RF, IR, fiber-optics, and coaxial — at a wide range of data rates.
Development kits are tools that enable you to develop smart devices for today’s industrial IoT.
我们的开放标准的网络平台和工具onnect monitor and control devices in commercial and industrial IoT deployments. The new SmartServer IoT edge server platform enables companies to drive intelligent and automated decisions in the IIoT through its revolutionary open, extensible architecture that allows solutions to “Embrace” legacy devices and protocols, “Extend” with emerging IoT protocols and applications, and “Enhance” with insights from cloud and AI systems.
Dialog (through its acquisition of Adesto) has many years’ experience in implementing full-custom industrial system-on-chip (SoC) designs, achieving as much as 80% bill of materials reductions for our customers. What’s more, because we optimize both at block and system level, our chips deliver the lowest total system power consumption and area, while delivering the best performance. Our integrated approach makes reverse engineering exceptionally impractical, thereby protecting your intellectual property.
Application-Specific Memories
我们的通信IC旨在为工业设备和网络启用可靠和简单的通信。Our highly programmable Power Line Communications (PLC) ICs enable OEMs to quickly develop robust and innovative solutions that meet the unique requirements of automotive applications, such as industrial-strength reliability and scalability.
几十年来,我们一直poweri LonWorks平台ng train braking systems, and is the basis of several standards in in-train control. Our OFDM-class PLC modems provide unprecedented level of flexibility and noise immunity, and support communication standards for in-truck sensor communication, such as PLC4TRUCKS and G3-PLC, as well as uniquely robust proprietary modes used in battery chargers and battery management systems.