


对于我们的询问专家系列的本月分期付款,对话的连接团队的Erik Peters对他的思考进行了重视rayapp0 (BLE) and the new Bluetooth 5.1 spec will shape the future of the smart home.


BLE is the leading wireless technology for short-burst data transmissions. Its power consumption and hardware costs are relatively low, compared to other radio frequency standards. So, given that power efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the question isn’t really “why BLE?” but instead, “why would you not go with BLE?” It just makes sense. It’s the ideal choice for connecting different sensors, peripherals and control devices together.

What does that look like in the smart home?

When we’re talking about the smart home, we’re talking about a single space where virtually every function has become a wireless sensor or wireless device: door bells, light bulbs, light switches, thermostats, wall outlets, remote controls, kitchen appliances like stoves and microwaves, TVs, speakers. Everything in the smart home is done wirelessly. In its own right, BLE is ideal for connecting these sensors with each other. But even more so because of the ubiquitous presence of Bluetooth we already see. Our phones are equipped with Bluetooth, which means they can seamlessly interact with smart home apps and devices via BLE, giving homeowners universal and easy control over every one of those devices.



  1. 网格网络。网状网络允许“多对多”的通信在蓝牙设备之间;一个设备可以在空间中的不同设备上中继信号,这对于智能家庭来说是一种自然的适合,在那里您有多个需要能够彼此交谈的蓝牙连接的设备。不仅仅是支持网格网络in expanding the range of Bluetooth device signals, it also helps ensure that that kind of networking can be deployed cheaply and easily, with a capacity to scale up practically infinitely.

  1. Data security and encryption。在过去的几年里,对房屋中的数据隐私的担忧令人担忧。虽然令人担忧的言论家窃听您的谈话可能会被夸大,但最终用户仍然希望保证他们在房子周围收集的个人数据的完整性和安全性。由于智能家居设备正在收集关于人们日常习惯的数据 - 从他们离开房子时,他们烹饪到他们的睡眠模式 - 数据隐私保护的需求将迅速上升。ble满足了这一需求providing end-to-end encryptionacross smart home Bluetooth connections. Access control features (used with smart door locks) and secure key storage and authentication (for mobile payments) are a couple ways BLE can help bolster smart home device privacy.

  1. Direction-finding location services.蓝牙5.1将新的位置定位解决方案带到BLE设备,到达角度(AOA)和出发角度(AOD)。这些方法告诉用户当设备靠近并且位于其所在的方向。这是智能家居设备的关键,例如,将能够打开灯光,将温度设置为首选设置,然后在您穿过门后立即打开任何预先编程的厨房设备。能够检测到你回家何时向房屋周围的其他设备脱离链反应。由于AOA,AOD和蓝牙5.1,可以进行那种“跟随我”位置检测和定位。


All of the Bluetooth features I described here, and their smart home applications, are already supported by Dialog’s SmartBond™ family of BLE products. The SmartBond line, and particularly the新DA1469X系列, are leading the industry on low-power consumption and system costs, which are essential for making smart home Bluetooth devices viable for mainstream production. Not only do our SmartBond BLE devices meet these demands, they also provide a unique and extensive suite of security and encryption functions on-chip, to ensure we’re fulfilling users’ data integrity demands – both for today and the smart home of the future.

Thanks to Erik for taking the time to share these thoughts. Stay tuned for more Ask the Experts blog posts in the future. In the meantime, check out how the对话框smartbond da1469x.线正在推动智能家庭BLE解决方案中的信封 - 或者,在我们的国际上来看自己SmartBond Technology Tour,已经在进行并来到您附近的城市。